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PAST HISTORY : nothing in particular
Dr. AKHTARHUSAIN MANSURI answered : 11 years ago
Wisdom tooth is also known as Time bomb. There are lot of nerves with an extra branch in few patients in and around such third molar teeth. Depending upon the location, position of the the tooth, and the degree of difficult surgery it is possible that the nerve has been pierced or rattled during anaesthesia or surgery which leads to your condition as known as 'Paraesthesia' of that side. It is a common adverse effect which goes away within 6 months so do not worry. You can take Neurokind Plus twice daily for 15 days & relax. You will get your taste back and numbness will dissappear.
Dr. Gurbinder singh answered : 11 years ago
may be due to tramatic extraction procedure,or while giving local anaesthesia there must be some nerve damage,known as parasthesia . it willtake some time before nerve regenerates & heals. you can start Cap Maxgalin 75mg to hasten healig process.