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Dr. robert joseph answered : 11 years ago
dear abhi,your problems,not well explained.say something like ear pain,hearing loss,dizziness,ringing sound in the ear etc,then only i can answer your query
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Actually sir I have hearing loss.I have done audiometry but local doctor could not find what kind of hearing loss it is.My problem is that sometime while at the time of cold or while I am having my food.i feel that my ear drum stick so I have to pressure closing my nose after that I feel better but day by day my hearing capacity goes down.
Dr. Siddharth Shah answered : 11 years ago
dear abhi, you are young.. and if you are feeling hearing loss needs to be evaluated. the causes many be as simple as recurrent cold leading to drum getting pulled to fluid in the ear. you need to get tympanometry supplementing audiometry to see the middle ear status. it that's also clean than the next step is to undergo BERA.. also any associated symptoms if present needs to be taken in account. all this since its a unilateral hearing. loss.. lastly need to evaluate the nasophx endoscopically after tympanometry study to look for any lesion in the nasopharynx
Dr. Prasun mishra answered : 11 years ago
HI Abhi,
Dont worry every thing in ear can be managed..
I assume your right ear hearing is perfectly fine...
want to know few details 1) since when is hearing less 2) are u hearing less or just not able to hear. 3) will ned 2 reports audiometry and tympanometry...
let me know all this reagrds Dr Prasun Mishra
Dr. Ravinder Verma answered : 11 years ago
Probably you have Eustachian Tube (Connection of Post part of nose and middle ear) dysfunction. Get Impedance audiometry .May be you need Myringotomy and grommet insertion.