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PAST HISTORY : i had have a general filling which came out after 7 years and as per R V Dental specialist i need to go for root canal surgery but i m not sure whether general filling can be done on same since i do not have any pain. also as per their opinion based on the broken length they considered the case as level 2 case. please advise.
Dr. Krupesh Rajani answered : 11 years ago
If after removal of your filling, the dentist finds your tooth decay much nearer/into the dental pulp(tooth nerve), then Root Canal Treatment needs to be done. Only filling won't work. Upon seeing the x-ray of the tooth, it can be decided whether to go for Root Canal Treatment or not.
Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
If it was a silver amalgam filling then most of the time the teeth do land up for a root canal treatment. Better send the radiograph to evaluate the situation
Dr. Samir Nayyar answered : 11 years ago
Let your dentist decide as it has to be verified clinically with x-rays.
For how long the tooth remained exposed (time between filling came out and your dental visit)?
If you can do send the x-rays.
Have a nice day.