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Gynaecologic operation

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I need to have Knee Lubrication Injection as knee replacement surgery seems risky and may be difficult for my weight to carry on after operation. Pls advise. Thanks

Hi I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi yes, you can take injection, but remember, its effect lasting for 3 months to 1 year only, mean while you should do physiotherapy. But if joints are damaged completely, there is no option but to surgery Hope this will help should you have any queries, please donot hesitate ...

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my father is suffering from CATARACT it is at starting point can it be procure by medicine or operation is the best way than in how many days my father will be perfect.

There is no medical treatment of cataract. when ever you get difficulty in vision sufficient enough to hamper your day to day activity go for cataract surgery. ...

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liver shows small calcification in right lobe and kidney shows calculus 1.1x.4 cm right 9.7 left 9.3 cm in size also small urine is remained in bladder report of ultrasonography what ur suggestion operation needed or by medication it can be cured.

Hi, Liver calcification is usually nothing serious and can be due to necrosis because of drugs ,because of old infection or injury and can also be sign of excessive alcohol intake,you may be advised for a ct scan depending on your other examination findings. Now for your kidney stone, I hope the size you mentioned is in mm and not cm and i would recommend any stone larger than 7mm to be removed surgically. Kindly mention the location of stone and whether there are any other findings like hydron ...

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I get this attack of PSVT once in a while - after 4 years - the heart rate goes up substantially. I am on Calaptin 120 and Corderone - one tab. each everyday for the last 4 years. I was little irregular on medicine recently and then this attack. I am looking at an option of operation in Delhi.

Hi, In PSVT surgery is recommended only if you are not controlled on drugs,however you told that you have been a little irregular on drugs.I don't find any reason why you should undergo surgery if you are controlled by drugs or if you have not even tested for all the drugs,because there are still options to change the drugs or increase the dose of drugs before you try the surgical option. In Delhi surgery for PSVT can be even be done at Dr. RML Hospital new delhi ,AIIMS,safdarjung hospital all ...

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left eye cataract need to operation with leance

Any time you can go for cataract surgery with lens ...

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I am 24 years of age. 2 years back, i came to know that the fore skin on my pennis is not moving when my pennis is errected. So one of my friend said that sunthi surgery will solve this problem. From that time I am very afraid of my sexual life in future. I am unmarried person. So wanted to know details about sunthi operation and also wanted to knoe whether is that the only way that i need togo through? How much time will it take for sunthi operation and how much it will cost? I read some negative comments on sunthi operation. Also wanted to know the precautions need to take after operation and how many days it will take to overcome the operation pain? Please help me on this. I will be thankful to you.

Hi, You are probably suffering from phimosis,and surgical treatment for phimosis is cicumcission and preputioplasty and circumcission is known as sunithi in hindi(most probably). Circumcission can be done under local anasthesia or if you are scared of surgery then it can also be done under genral anasthesia,the cost of surgery varies from hospital to hospital and kind of hospital facility. The stiches will be removed after one week,and you will be discharged the same day if you get the surgery ...

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Can i do operation of cataract with plenty of pus cell in my urine? Is there any relationship of cataract operation with pus cells in urine?

No you can't get cataract surgery with urine infection . As infection can spread by touch or blood stream after surgery . Pus cells in urine is an absolute contraindication for cataract surgery. First get the treatment for urine infection ...

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Dear Doctor, I am 38years old. I have 1 son who is 14 years of age, and one is 9 years of age. I was having a little bit of bleeding after my periods. On going to my local Gynec., I was told to do a sonography, where they havefound fibroids in the endometrium anteriorly approximately 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. I would like to know if I would be needing to go through a operation or if I can be cured by medication only. Please advise. Best Regards,

Hi!! In your case if the symptoms are not severe you can try medical management in the form of drugs like oral contraceptive pills or other hormonal preparations which can be used to decrease the size of the fibroid.But the drawback of medical management is that the fibroids regrow back once the treatment is stopped.So one has to be prepared to take medication for a long time. Surgery is an option your gynaecologist will suggest if the fibroid is causing troublesome bleeding .He/she can recommen ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Hariom Sharma

  • ENT
  •  Gwalior, India
  •  255 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Sudipta Chandra

  • ENT
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  308 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Jameel Akhter

  • Surgeon
  •  Chennai, India
  •  108 Doc Points