Topics Caesarean section
  Topics Caesarean section

Caesarean section

Find latest answers to Caesarean section questions, Caesarean section articles, Caesarean section news and clinic/doctors who deal with Caesarean section.

I m having tooth ache can I take combiflam as I had an c section delivery on 27 dec 2012

Yes, for temporary symptomatic relief only. Toothaches are best taken care of by the Dentists so visit one immediately ...

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my wife is 38 week pregnant, her 36th week report and 13th week report showed minimal resistant of diastolic notch , but doctor said baby growth is good around 2.8 kg,, is c section necessary in this case. or she can deliver normal (my wife age is 33 yrs old

Hi!! If your wife's ultrasound report shows minimal resistance to flow and expected baby weight is 2.8 kg and liquor ( amount of fluid around the baby is normal),she can deliver normally and trial of labour is recommended provided there are no other high risk factors like diabetes or high blood pressure.If during trial of labour ,the baby "s heart beat is not in normal range( normal is between 110-160 beats/min),then emergency caesarean should be done ...

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Hi, I am Sisi and i just had a C-section 2.5 months back. Is it safe to take postinor after intercourse?

Hi I need more details. If you are breastfeeding exclusively and regularly, you don’t need to ake Postinor. However, if you are on mixed feeding, it is better to take contraceptive which iis safe for breastfeeding. If you are not breastfeeding, then yes it is safe to take prostinor. ...

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i am still bleeding even after 4 month of my delivery (c section) my doctor told me to take primoult -n from last 21 days , i just want to know is it right way to treat hematoma. My MRI report shows hematoma of around 5 cm* 4cm

Can I know the location of your hematoma? Hematoma seldomly causes relentless bleeding. Please discuss further with your obstetrician if there is a possibility that you have retained placenta in your uterus. If there is retained placenta, then maye you could undergo a curettage procedure. However if this is a case of hormonal imbalance, then Primolut-N should work. ...

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A section of my calf, about the size of my palm, is completely numb to any sensation. There is no swelling or pain or redness, just no feeling. Should I be worried?

You could be having a disc or a spinal problem causing pressure over a nerve resulting in loss of sensation. Either way you need urea, uric acid, creatinine, thyroid profile, nerve conduction studies in the leg and an MRI of the spine, at least to get idea of what's going on, as your query is too non-specific without other info like other symptoms or smoking or high cholesterol levels in your blood! ...

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Hi Im 4wks pregnant now I want to ask if cytotec is safe on abortion i am not ready to have a baby again i have my 2 previous c section. 4 and 2 years ago and im afraid to have another c.section again what should i do? How many dosage should i take? Please help me.

Unfortunately I won’t help you direct how to abort your baby. This is against my belief and conscience. And, you know very well that inducing abortion is illegal in our country. Please take care of your baby. You may undergo a 3rd cesarean secion and request for tubal ligation so you won’t have similar problems in the future. If you can’t raise your baby, please consider giving him or her up for adoption. ...

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Hi, I'm 37 yrs old. I have a 17yrs old boy thur c-section. I'm 30 wks pregnant; Result of blood sugar test after fasting and glucose is on the higher side so the doctor has put me on a diet to avoid gestational diabetes (since my dad was diabetic, my doctor put me on a diet on my 1st pregnancy as well). Is normal delivery harmful for my health? The doctor said so in my first few months of my pregnancy. Also, I'm on susten injection once a week due to spotting (cervical vein rupture and infection due to sex). Please advice.

Hello there. I want to know the reason why you had to go C section on your 1st delivery. It would matter if you could give birth thru Vaginal delivery in this 2nd pregnany. Of course, vaginal delivery is better healing process is shorter. However, going thru vaginl delivery after undergoing cesarean section is not without risk such as uterine rupture. It is best for you to discuss with your OB the advantages and disadvantages of going into vaginal delivery ...

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Hi. After undergoing an unexpected c section I find my bm supply low. At first my baby had latching problem. I had to use nipple shield for over 20 days. Now there is low milk. Found out from his weight. We are alternating with formula now. Baby is 6 weeks now. I wanna increase milk supply. Will lactate work now? Wat should be the dosage?

Mother milk is nectar for the babies. We have herbal medicine to increase ur breast milk naturally .no side effects also. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u. ...

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Dear mam, My wife is 24 years old and we have one baby who is of 15 months and delivery was through c section. Every thing is normal till date now we are not planning for baby for at least 3 to 4 years. Which Is cheap and best oral contraceptive with no side effect, pls name few or whether trimester Injection are safe?

Hi there, there is no contraceptive with no side effect. But there are contraceptives with lower doses that will have fewer side effects. However, if your wife is breastfeeding, it is better for her to take progesterone-only pill or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate which is injected every 3 months ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Sutopa Banerjee

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  302 Doc Points

Dr. Avijit Basak

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  304 Doc Points


  • Podiatrist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  309 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points

Dr. Christine Marie Rubio

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Parañaque, Philippines
  •  577 Doc Points

Dr. Bipin Vibhute

  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Pune, India
  •  509 Doc Points