yesterdaydoctor extracted my u
  yesterdaydoctor extracted my u

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yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?

1 Answers

Dear Patient,Normally if proper approximation is achieved during primary closure and the wound closure has taken place ie after 40 days then there is no further need for for a flap surgery or Z-Plasty if the whole tooth has been removed. That will take care of the Oro-Antral Fistula.The pain and swelling is associated with the surgical part and shall dissappear within a week. Use cold fomentation along with the medicines prescribed to you by your dentist and wait.

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I am a mother of a young child aged 5years who is having a discomfort in one of his teeth and also a noticeable swelling on his gum and a small amount of yellow discharge occasionally from it. He also seems to have a couple of tooth decays. What can be done at this tender age, and what can I expect from the dental treatment.

  Doctor's Answer

Hello there, firstly I would like to mention here is that there is no age limit in medical science as far as any of the treatments is concerned. Children like any grown adult need their teeth for the purpose of eating food, talking (speech), muscles support, esthetics & overall growth of the jaw. What I can understand from your query is that your child’s tooth infection has spreaded beyond the tooth structure and is having a periapical /periodontal abscess which has resulted in a swelling ...
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Hello i had my no 48 wisdom tooth removed on thursday morning and its been nearly 3 days now. What i wanted to know was i have noticed yesterday and today that the gum which had folded over the extraction site has receeded and left behind a thin white strand of tissue. is this a normal part of the healing process. I am not in any pain and have not smoked since the day of extraction (before). Also i know your advice will be to stop permanently but how long should i wait till i can smoke again

  Doctor's Answer

The tissue tag should resolve in 7-14 days max. rinse with warm water (mix in salt) 3-5 times a day to help keep the wound clean. smoking is a personal choice. IF you truly have NOT smoked post extraction you may start now. ...
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I had my lower impacted wisdom tooth removed 6 days ago under l/a had stitches in. I have been in pain since and it has not subsided but got worse the pain is unbareable and is a throbbing pain. I visited the dentist but she says it's not infected but the pain is in the jaw line And up my cheek. I am taking pain relief every four hours and it is still absolute agony please help....

  Doctor's Answer

Infected wound is reason for pain.Visit your dentist & get the needful done. ...
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I had a fall 6 months ago . Broke some cartage in my knee. My knee does a fast give out when I am walking. dont know what it is. Now I got told i have tendonitis of the ankle. It is so pain full. What is causing this and what can be done to help me. The doctor said I will some day need knee surgery and foot surgery to fuse all my bone toes together. He does not know why my knee on the out side gives a fast snap and gives out. Hop you can help me. Thank you Candie

  Doctor's Answer

The Changes seen in your musculoskeletal system are age related symptoms, Cartilage are Outer lining of the bones which in your case as you say, its broken, please understand, Cartilage cannot be regrown naturally as other tissue in the body. The knee give out fast, because your whole body weight is been carried by the weak knees while you walk, this in turn could lead to impaired gait cycle which ultimately result in pain in ankle causing tendonitis. if you take proper medication / physical a ...
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Hi I have a spongy whit lump growing on my gum next to my wisdom tooth up the top and is the size of a malteaser can you help?

  Doctor's Answer

it must be a fibroma due to a malaligned wisdom tooth.plz vizit a dentist as soon as may require extraction of wisdom tooth if necessary. ...
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