Total Views: 1773
Dr. Sameer Kad answered : 12 years ago
You maybe suffering from cervical spondylosis or cervical disc prolapse.Get a X -ray of your neck done and consult your orthopaedic surgeon . Take a muscle relaxant like tizinadine along with analgesics today . Hot fomentation will also help you. Light massage with an analgesic gel will provide relief to you.Feel free to ask any questions.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks for the prescription. I will follow them. Description of the pain in precise : It radiates from neck to place between the left hand side scapula area and starting of spinal cord after the neck. I sens this pain more when I move my head up and extreme left side. I can sense the inflammation at this area. I started sensing this pain from last two days... I never faced this issue before. I will follow your prescription for a week, and if it still persists... I will inform you. What could have been the reason for this issue... degeneration of neck bone area/ nerve pressure..?
Dr. Sameer Kad answered : 12 years ago
This can be due to wrong posture while working or it can be a normal physiological degenerative process. X-rays will help in definite diagnosis.Consult your orthopaedic surgeon.Feel free to ask any questions.