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i think i am suffering with brucellosis. please tell the address where to conform this by diagnosis

Hi, Yes, brucellosis can be cured completely with the help of antibiotics,even widespread infection can be cured.You can't compare it with HIV which still is a lot under study and is a deadly disease. There can be relapses of brucella and the disease can spread from you to any body with whom you can be in physical contact,but then prophylactically treatment can be given to them. During the disease free period or once the disease has gone into remission, the disease should not spread from you ...

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I have been on following medications since diagnosis of UC and IBS last year: From May 2012-Jun 2013 1.) Mesacol (200) (2 times a day) 2.) Folic Acid Supplement (1 time) By taking this I was seeing less mucous and blood in my stool but lately their frequency was increasing. Hence I was prescribed: 1.) Rifagut (200) (3 times a day) for one month Its been a week since I have been taking it but still I am seeing a little blood and mucous in stool. Hence wanted to get a second opinion on my condition.

UC is an autoimmune disease where our own body attacks against our own organs. This disease can be kept silent with medicines but cannot be cured (just like diabetes and blood pressure illnesses can be kept under control but never cured) As per your complaints, it seems that you have a recurrence of the disease. you will need a repeat colonoscopy to know the severity, site and extent of the disease affecting your large intestine. According to that then the dose and schedule of medicines can be ...

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hello doctor, i am 20 years old..i am in living relationship with day when i came back to my home in holidays, i try to masturbate, but my penis was not getting erect, then i went to one ayurvedic doctor, he gave me medicine of increasing will power, then after eating for a week, i started getting erection but only when i stimulated my penis with 5 months has passed, i got erection when i am with my gf, but still when i am alone, its difficult for me to get an erection, like i used to have before 2 years.and i got only when i am laying on bed, not when em standing or sit.also one more thing, if i dont get stimulations continuously, my erection starts decreasing within 5 to 10 seconds, and about morning erections, i got them daily, when em sleepy. nd when i wake up, it goes more thing which i want to tell the starting of my relationship..i used to eat ayurvedic medicine for last penis used to erect for long time after eating that..i think it may be side effect of those caplsules.but it was ayurvedic..plz give me a correct diagnosis..

U r suferring from erectil dysfunction and premature ejaculation problem. If you had taken allopathy sex stimulating medicine then yes side effects but not by ayurvedic medicine. Over Mastrubation stress life physical weakness etc leads such problems. U Need proper medication health supplements counselling and sex education also. I have very good ayurvedic treatment for u r problem. No side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero ...

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i had a perianal abscess operation around 5 weeks back. I have been off antibiotics and the regular dressings for around 10 days. However, I still have pain around that area as well as regular little discharge of pus from the wound. . The histopathology report mentioned the following: Nature of Material received: Left perineal abscess wall Gross description: Received a single greyish brown congested irregular ring 1.7 x 1.5 x 1 cm Microscopic description: Biopsy shows fibrosis in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. One of the fragments shows a sinus tract with a foreign body type granuloma The discharge summary was as follows: Diagnosis Left perianal abscess + Left middle finger abscess Presenting Complaints: Left perianal abscess + Left middle finger abscess incision and drainage Patient had fever since 3-4 days Condition on admission: O/E-GC: T: Afebrile at admission P: 80/min RR: 20/min BP: 120/80 mmHg Pain + S/E: CVS: NAD RS: NAD P/A: NAD Treatment given during hospitalization: Inj. Metrogyl Inj. Formic Inj. Perfalgan Inj. Pantop Inj. Emeset Inj. Tramadol Course of hospitalization: Uneventful Pus c/s (Perianal abscess) E-coli, ESBL producing sensitive to augmentin Investigation reports: Hb: 14.2 WBC: 14700 - (N) 80 Plt: 158 RBS: 95.5 Condition at discharge: O/E-GC: T: Afebrile at admission Pain at operated site P: 89/min BP: 120/80 mmHg S/E: CVS: NAD RS: NAD P/A: NAD Treatment at discharge: Augmentin 625 mg 1-1-1 Zorno 200 mg 1-0-1 Voveron 1-0-1 Pantop 1-0-1

Hi, If you still have pain and pus discharge around that area then , either the infection is there again because it was not cleared properly( the pus drainage was not done properly ) or either it might have formed again because you might be having some co exsistent problem which probably went un diagnosed . Are you a diabetic ? Any other problem you might be having or any disease treatment you might have taken for pretty long in past ? Treatment givento you otherwise medically was fine no pro ...

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i had a perianal abscess operation around 5 weeks back. I have been off antibiotics and the regular dressings for around 10 days. However, I still have pain around that area as well as regular little discharge of pus from the wound. The histopathology report mentioned the following: Nature of Material received: Left perineal abscess wall Gross description: Received a single greyish brown congested irregular ring 1.7 x 1.5 x 1 cm Microscopic description: Biopsy shows fibrosis in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. One of the fragments shows a sinus tract with a foreign body type granuloma The discharge summary was as follows: Diagnosis Left perianal abscess + Left middle finger abscess Presenting Complaints: Left perianal abscess + Left middle finger abscess incision and drainage Patient had fever since 3-4 days Condition on admission: O/E-GC: T: Afebrile at admission P: 80/min RR: 20/min BP: 120/80 mmHg Pain + S/E: CVS: NAD RS: NAD P/A: NAD Treatment given during hospitalization: Inj. Metrogyl Inj. Formic Inj. Perfalgan Inj. Pantop Inj. Emeset Inj. Tramadol Course of hospitalization: Uneventful Pus c/s (Perianal abscess) E-coli, ESBL producing sensitive to augmentin Investigation reports: Hb: 14.2 WBC: 14700 - (N) 80 Plt: 158 RBS: 95.5 Condition at discharge: O/E-GC: T: Afebrile at admission Pain at operated site P: 89/min BP: 120/80 mmHg S/E: CVS: NAD RS: NAD P/A: NAD Treatment at discharge: Augmentin 625 mg 1-1-1 Zorno 200 mg 1-0-1 Voveron 1-0-1 Pantop 1-0-1

hi bobby, your perianal abscess surgery would take atleast 2-3 weeks to heal and slowly the soreness and pain will come down day by day as the wound heals. regular dressings especially after motions is the key to successful healing. The very fact that your pus c/s report mentions E.coli, I just want to make you aware that these bacteria are from the large intestine. The basic question is from where did the bacteria get into the perianal area?? the answer is that there is a small hole in the anus ...

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I was tested positive for HLA B27 in 2004 after severe pain in the body (couldn't comb my hair). Ever since I am on Neucoxia (earlier on Valdecoxib). The diagnosis is SPA of a mild kind. I was given Sazo but it did not work because I had side effects. Need help and advice, please.

Hi, you need to visit a rheumatologist as soon as possible. sazo is not required in all cases. nucoxia for a very long time can cause damage to kidneys also. there are many new safe medications are available now. If you want you can visit Jaipur golden hospital, rohini to meet me. take care ...

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Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Anant Pancholi

  • General Physician
  •  Indore, India
  •  103 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Parth Shah

  • Dentist
  •  Surat, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. gajanan yellure

  • Dentist
  •  Yavatmal, India
  •  100 Doc Points

Dr. H N Sowbhagya

  • Opthalmologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  102 Doc Points

Dr. Siva Kumar Yanamadala

  • Opthalmologist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  216 Doc Points


  • General Physician
  •  El Jadida, Morocco
  •  112 Doc Points

Dr.Manavs Dental Clinic

ambika city, sri ganganagar , opposite saras booth
   Raisinghnagar, India

Guard You Management Hospital Pvt Ltd

Adult Cardiac Electrophysiology
72, 4 Th Main Road, Challababu Nagar, Reddiyarpalayam.
   Chennai, India