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PAST HISTORY : bone pains, muscle pains, vomtings etc
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
Brucella is an infective disease which usually happens to those dealing with animal or animal products like dairy farmers,slaughter house worker,veterinarians.
Or people who have been consuming a lot of unapasteurized milk or goat cheese,basically it is not a very common disease in urban environment.
Disease has symptoms similar to viral fever which you are having right now,for confirmation you may visit an internal medicine specialist and he may get it confirmed by doing a lumber puncture and sending the csf for culture to a microbiologist and also sending a blood culture for the same for confirming the diagnosis.
Rest there can be changes in brain which can be seen by an mri and changes in bones which can be seen by a x-ray but these changes are very late.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
can brucellosis will be cured completely through antibiotics. if some one with brucellosis married, whether it will be spread to his partner and their child in future. whether the disease is most dangerous than AIDS. please give me reply sir.
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes, brucellosis can be cured completely with the help of antibiotics,even widespread infection can be cured.You can't compare it with HIV which still is a lot under study and is a deadly disease.
There can be relapses of brucella and the disease can spread from you to any body with whom you can be in physical contact,but then prophylactically treatment can be given to them.
During the disease free period or once the disease has gone into remission, the disease should not spread from you to any body including your partner or child.