Total Views: 2541
PAST HISTORY : no issues
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You mean to say that during sexual activity your fore skin got stuck behind the head of your penis and and it continued since last two days. This is serious medical emergency and should also visit any hospital emergency right away.
This is normal for a while and this is not something to get concerned about, if it can get behind then it can go back again. All you have to do is squeeze the glans to force blood back into the penis shaft. this will reduce its size and the foreskin Will be able to move forward over it.
But if it continues to be over your head then you may be suffering from paraphimosis and should visit the doctor right away
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I have a swelling at the head of penis behind the foreskin. The swelling keeps increasing. Is it very serious? What can i do further? I can see a doctor (General Physician) only after 12 hours. Please help me what to do now. Let me know your contact no. immediately
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes the condition can get very serious and can be told only after examination and you just can't wait for so long,even if the hospital is far contact your freinds or family whom so ever might be there to help you.
You have to rush to a hospital, in which ever state you are there are private as well as goverment run hospiatls.
This condition cant be treated on phone or mail,this is serious.
You have to see a genral surgeon(ms)