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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Your blood pressure is 150/100 you mean to say right ?
If yes then you have raised blood pressure,raised fasting sugar,sinus tachycardia can be a normal finding.
Your blood pressure and sugar both are raised but not extremely high,you should try the natural methods first and then repeat the tests like fasting sugar, hba1c and blood pressure and even then if they remain raised then you will have to be put on medicines.
Natural methods to control blood pressure and sugar
1)reduce the amount of salt intake
2)reduce all direct sugars
3)reduce all kinds of saturated oils and fats
4)avoid any fast food as they are high in sodium as well as fats
5)avoid colas,to much alcohol or regular alcohol,stop smoking
6)have a good sleep
7)reduce stress levels
8)do regular excercise and yoga
After applying all these steps then after one week,you should start monitoring your blood pressure on daily basis and sugar you can monitor may be once in 2-3 days(both the things you can monitor at home or may be if you want,you can go to a near by clinic or chemist they will do the test and tell you)
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
can fast running or game like basketball is permitted in high BP. can eat fruits like mango or bananas in high blood sugar.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
can I visit to cardiologist for sinus tachycardia
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes you can do fast running or play basket ball,if you are regularly doing it don't try over exertion on your self.
You can have have mangoes but they are high in sugar and if you have mangoes then yo will have to cut on any other thing and it's jsut that you have to maintain good sugar in normal range,so how so ever you do it by maintaing a diet schedule and excercise schedule.
Avoid banana for a few days till you control your blood presure,although you can have them.
You can visit a cardiologist for raised blood presure and sugar,but i would again say that sinus tachycardia can be normal finding although if you are facing any symptom then straight away go to a cardiologist