Need a pet scan for chest and
  Need a pet scan for chest and

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Need a pet scan for chest and abdomen. kindly let me know the cost for the same.


2 Answers

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

Please let me know what does the following CT scan report tell: LIVER- Normal SPLEEN - Normal PORTAL VENOUS SYSTEM: Normal IVC, HEPATIC VEINS: NORMAL BILIARY SYSTEM and GALL BLADDER; NORMAL PANCREAS: NORMAL ADRENALS: NORMAL KIDNEYS: 9X7mm simple cyst in the left kidney mid pole PEVI-CALYCEAL SYSTEMS: Normal URETERS: NORMAL BLADDER: NORMAL BOWEL: NORMAL PERIOTNEUM, OMENTUM, MESENTERY - patchy fat stranding in the mesenetery. widespread fine omental fat stranding / nodularity seen. mild peritoneal thickening n the lower abdomen. NODES: Small volume left cardiomediastinal fat pad lymph node noted measuring 5mm in short axis FLUID: -moderate free fluid noted in the subphrenic space, around the liver, right paracolic gutterand pelvis - Mild pleural effusion bilaterally UTERUS: Normal OVARIES: NORMAL VISUALISED LUNGS: - Bibasal atelectasis, small bilateral pleural effusions ABDOMINAL WALL: Normal. IMPRESSION: 63 year old lady with abdominal distension, to r/O malignanacy CT Abdomen and pelvis with oral and intravenous contrast demonstrates: - Moderate free flyuid as described - Patchy fat stranding in the mesentery. widespread fine omental fat stranding / nodularity seen. Mild peritoneal thickening in the lower abdomen. - Bilateral plerual effusion. Appearances are likely to suggest Koch's abdomen. Albeit, recommend tumour markers (CA 125) to rule out possibility of malignancy although no direct evidence of such is seen. Post above CT scan report, further test were done with regard to CA 125, Fluid analysis (cytology): RESULTS as under CA 125 - 482.4 U/ML (Basic reference range - 35 U/ml) Flucid cytology report confirms Negative for any malignancy. AFB stain too negative. Please take the above in to consideration and let me know what the results indicate. What should i do next. I appreciate any of the doctors out there responding to this query on an critical and urgent basis. Please suggest. Cheers: Vinod Cell: 8884964555


The report shows that the patient is suffering from from lung and intestinal disorders which shows that she has fluid in the lungs and also some part of the lung is also collapsed and she has either a granulomatous infection in itestine or may be a malignancy which needs to be ruled out for which a pet scan is adviced probably.
The tumor marker you got is usually done for ovarian cancer and afb is done for tuberculosis(but this canot rule out t.b).kochs abdomen is intetinal tuberculosis.
Now it depends what your doctor is thinking as a diagnosis because for that you also assess the patient clinically


Cost of pet scan may be around 8-12 thousand i m not very sure.

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Hi, By telling that she also has fever,one thing is confirmed that she has an infection. Now if she has problem in her micturition too then either the infection is in her urinary tract or the pelvis which will have to be seen first and then an antibiotic can be started. So you have to consult your doctor now. Feel free to ask further question. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! The pain after getting an HSG test done,will not come after 4-5 days as you have described,rather this pain is probably due to other causes. Pain due to endometriosis is present more just before the onset of menses and during menses. Kindly review with your nearest hospital about the cause of the pain which may be due to renal colic ,ureteric colic,etc ...
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Hi, I want go for mri scan for entire much is the cost.I used get pain in the right side stomach suddenly,i went for colonoscopy but results came noraml.I generally i will goto washroom as soon as i took the food, it will happen at least once in a day like after breakfast or lucnh etc. once i fallen from bike after six months it happened i used get pain in right shoulder it will come and go.I used to throat infection frequently. from two years on wards i am suffering these kind of issues,i used go doctor they will antibiotics they will right some blood test it will come normal, i want to know where exactly my problem please suggest.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You have written about multiple problems.Let us talk one by one. Regarding MRI whole body scan -it may cost approximately 10,000-15000/-rupees. Your upset stomach appears to be either a chronic bacterial or parasitic infection,which should respond well with adequate hygenic measures and short course of medication.Stress often known or hidden contributes in causing or worsening such symptoms. Aches and pains could be reflexion of an inadequately treated injury or associated anemia,vitami ...
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Hello Doc I am diagnosed for PCOS ,TTC with siphene 100mg. On the 13th day of my periods the follicular study shows Right 8.3X8mm ,left 9.9X7.2 mm, i was not convinced with the scan report due to some reasons which i faced during my previous scan ,so went for another ultrasound scan from another hospital on the 14th day of my periods. The folicular size on 14th day shows Right :10.6x7.6mm and Left 14.9X9.4mm My question here is how can the follicules in a day grow from 9.9x7.2mm to 14.9X9.4 mm? and are there any chances for me to concieve this time with follicules 14.9x9.4 mm on the 14th day by an HCG shot at the right time ? and taking ultrasound scans many times is of any harm ????

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Ideally if some one has a regular cycle(periods) the follicle should be mature and ready to rupture on thirteenth day,size of a mature follicle is around 20-21mm when it ruptures. It depends why metformin is given to you if the only cause is pcod and is just given for this then it would be stopped after you conceive,but if you have type 2 diabetes(insulin resistance) along with pcod then it would be continued life long. Many people achieve periods after they have their first baby. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.
2 Answers
My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.
1 Answer
Hello Doc I am diagnosed for PCOS ,TTC with siphene 100mg. On the 13th day of my periods the follicular study shows Right 8.3X8mm ,left 9.9X7.2 mm, i was not convinced with the scan report due to some reasons which i faced during my previous scan ,so went for another ultrasound scan from another hospital on the 14th day of my periods. The folicular size on 14th day shows Right :10.6x7.6mm and Left 14.9X9.4mm My question here is how can the follicules in a day grow from 9.9x7.2mm to 14.9X9.4 mm? and are there any chances for me to concieve this time with follicules 14.9x9.4 mm on the 14th day by an HCG shot at the right time ? and taking ultrasound scans many times is of any harm ????
3 Answers