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Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
Why was the graft done? normally there may be a temporary lightening of the skin, but not a blister.
Dr. Opinder Singh Thind answered : 11 years ago
Blisters around grafted skin areas are not common but not new either. You need to specify two things first. Firstly , exactly which area of the mouth was the skin grafted. Secondly, by the term Around, what do you mean .... Does it means in the centre of the graft or at the borders of the graft. Kindly be specific. White blisters can either be due to stress / low immunity or sometimes due to non acceptance of the skin in that area (chances for which are very rare specially if own skin graft was used). It depends on a number of factors but i think your oral surgeon who has done the job will be in a better position to comment on the situation. Good luck to your son sir.
Doctor answered : 11 years ago
Please provide some details like what type of graft it was.
What all medications is he taking?
If we can get a pic of that, it would be a great help.
White blisters can occur in various conditions so till you give us details, we can cannot come to a conclusion.