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Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Thank you for your question. Would you be comfortable taking a photograph of the affected area at your convenience? If not do let me know.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hello Vivek, Good Morning. I have attached 2 pic in medical record field. I feel it's perfectly allright but if you can see the little wrinkle or line types on glans. And other part little black skin. Sorry the pic is not much clear as I toook by mobile. i need your help with some good prescription, good cream which I can apply for that part. So kindly request you to provide me the same. Yes I used to apply soap to wash or rub it when mastrubate. Also the back skin was wheatish turns to little black. Generally the glan penis won't see wrinkle or darkness when i am in excited stage n look ok. But when it is normal look odd. I read some cream on line but didn't try because wanted to know the exact one which on related my problem. i will be waiting for your precious responce. Thank you n have a Great day..! Rgds, sd
Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Thank you for the photograph. Your glans penis is perfectly normal. It is common for the glans in circumcised men to look like this and this is because the normal moisturizing effect of the smegma (an oily secretion of the foreskin) is missing. Soaps worsen this though and you should never masturbate with one. Use a lubricating oil or jelly like KY jelly instead. The color of the glans is also normal - it being a very vascular organ often looks darker than the rest of the body.
No active treatment is required. If you desire a moisturizing cream to apply once or twice a day then Cetaphil cream is a good option.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hello Vivek, Thank you very much. But still I Think the colour is bcome black compared to last few years. Ok i will use jelly if mastrubation required. The cream you mentioned cetaphil -where it will be available..? Normal medical store or di i need to order from outside? i said little wrinnkles looks on glans when normal stage. Does this cream will help me to reduce the wrinkle? And another skin on my penis also become black nowdays...I understood it might because of mastrubation without using any oil or gelly...anything we can do to improve the black skin colour? Any other cream which can improve? Thank you again..!! (I want it should look too much black..just worrying abt that :) Rgds, s
Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Good Morning,
You can buy the cream at any medical store or chemist. Yes friction from dry masturbation can sometimes cause darkening of the penis, so lubrication should help with this.
There are other creams which can help lighten skin but these are not recommended for use on the penis. Regards.
Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Hi again,
I got your response through support. No I would not recommend Hydrocortisone cream since I don't see any inflammation at all on your genitalia. Hydrocortisone cream is not a solution for skin dryness or darkness. If you still want to try it you should not use it more than twice a day for a maximum for 2-3 weeks.