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PAST HISTORY : I'm over weight, I have 3 children, I've had empty sella syndrome for 5 years,
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
your prolcatin levels are too high.prolactin( a hormone in the blood which causes milk secretion from the breast,)can lead to irregular menses,inabilty to concieve, type of problems.
Kindly get yourself reviewed with your gynaecologist as to the cause for high levels of prolactin.An MRI scan of the brain is also recommended as prolactin is released from the brain.
Depo provera injections have no bearing on the high prolactin levels,the two are independent findings.
Yes high prolactin levels can be fixed and depending upon the cause for high prolactin levels,treatment is given.It is difficult to concieve if prolactin levels are above the cut off of 20.
Usually to make an accurate diagnosis as to whether prolactin levels are high or not,a fasting ( overnight fasting) blood sample should be taken and the prolactin levels determined
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I've had an MRI n there were no abnormalities besides the empty sella sydrome... I've been producing milk since I was 17 before I had children which has never stopped.... What are the causes for prolatinemia if its not due to the depro Vera? Could illegal drugs such as extesy b a cause
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I asked for more causes not just the one on illegal substances so ill ask again what are the causes for prolactimia ?!?!
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Increase in levels of prolactin can be due to thyroid hormone deficiency,drugs like antidepressants,antacids,opiods,hormone problems like polycystic ovarian syndome,intake of estrogens,oral contraceptive pills and tumors of the pituitary gland called prolactinomas.