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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hai, Please give the solution
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I am married and a kid of 8 months. we had a sex during last menstrual cycle with condom. after that, again we had sex during normal days with condom. we used condom while inercourse. my last period date was 10th April. This month period not happend till date(till may 16th ) But, white discharge was there yesterday.I felt pain from last 2 days.but today am not feeling pain...what could be the reason??
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually condom is a good contraceptive method,but some time it can leak without even you noticing it,now since you have already missed your periods so you will have to confirm that if your are pregnant or not by doing a urine pregnancy test.
If your urine pregnancy test comes out to be positive then you may be prescribed with hormonal drugs or surgery might be needed to preform to abort pregnancy,which would depend on your profile.
At the end of bleeding with drugs or cleaning your uterus after surgery an ultrasound might be preformed to confirm
If your urine pregnancy test comes out to be negative,still repeat it around a week from now just to be safe and even then if it is negative then this can happen in post natal period( uptill 1-1.5 years after delivery,as you also did not mention about your previous menstural history were they regular or for how many days the period used to last,did you face any problem in lactation)
Also if you are suffering from any medical illness please mention.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
White discharge should be due to infection may be a yeast or fungal infection,but you don't have to worry it till the time it continues for 2 weeks or may be it is accompanied by rashes or itching in your perineal area or smell in urine.
First you will have to do urine pregnancy test.
Are you having any fever,or may be rashes,are you diabetic,or is the discharge very smelly,or problems in urine like burning or smell ?
If yes then you will have to consult a doctor.