My 4 year old started losing h
  My 4 year old started losing h

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My 4 year old started losing her voice on Saturday. Now tonight she started a cough and sounds raspy. She has asthma and went to the skin doctor and her bumps in her face were strep bacterial virus & is on antibiotics. (Last week) do I need to get her in to her doctor to have them check her out?

1 Answers

Yes you definitely need to go to your Pediatrician for a check

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I am a 23 year old male with skin colored bumps on the rim of the penis. I have noticed them over the last 2-3 years. I am sexually active but only with one partner and most of our contact is protected. The bumps were there even before the first time I had sex. I am worried these could be genital warts and I could transmit them to my partner. Kindly advise.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Your history is suggestive of a diagnosis of pearly penile papules. This is a harmless condition seen in many males. It is not infectious or progressive and hence can be left alone. For patients who are keen to pursue treatment from a cosmetic point of view the bumps can be removed with a laser by a dermatologist, however they invariably recur in a few months-years. Hence I advise my patients to leave them alone. Genital warts are highly unlikely given the fact that the bumps are there fro ...
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My 3 year old son has been breaking out into very itchy bumps for the last one week. These bumps come and go without leaving any mark. I have seen them on his face, arms, legs and stomach. There has been no change in his diet and he is otherwise well. What could this be? I am very worried.

  Doctor's Answer

I understand your concern since your son must be in considerable discomfort. However what he has is known as Acute Urticaria, also called hives. This is a skin reaction pattern caused due to histamine release in the skin and can be caused due to a number of underlying reasons. In children amongst the commonest are intestinal worms and recent infection (e.g viral fever, cough & cold). In most cases acute urticaria is self-limiting with in 2-6 weeks. I would recommend deworming your son with Syru ...
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?

  Doctor's Answer

Angular eruption of third molar needs extraction.It is of no use anyway,get it removed by a good oral surgeon,it does not require replacement ...
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Hi there I have been to the doctors on Xmas eve and he said I have sinusitis as all my nasal passage was blocked I had a lot of pressure and tooth ache and head ache , he told me to take ibuprofen and sudafed and steam inhalation to which I did , that night went to bed and woke with terrible ear ache in my right ear after 4 hours it started cracking and eventually released fluid which then released the pain of ear ache , Christmas Day night it started in my left ear but this time the pain was so bad that nothing touched it and I was almost delirious ! Eventually it to cracked and popped and released fluid ! Both ears are still a little achy but bearable but they are still leaking and I am now a little death and I have ringing in my right ear constantly , I am taking antibiotics now started them on Christmas Day amoxicillin what do you think is going on in there I'm very concerned

  Doctor's Answer

it seems you have a predominantly ear based infection. visit and ENT ASAP on an emergency basis. ...
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my daughter had 4 wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. WE are trying to avoid taking antibiotics as she has mold toxicity, and they could exacerbate it. she has a fever of 99.6. Does this mean infection? Does she need antibiotics?

  Doctor's Answer

Hello there, Well i think you need to give me some more information before i can complete analyse and answer correctly regarding your query as i need to understand a couple of things. Please tell the age & weight of your daughter. Wheather all the 4 teeth were removed under Local anesthesia or Genereal anesthesia ?? What kind of toxicity is she having / meaning what symptoms,problems she is facing and which antibiotics and antiinflammatories and their correct dosage she was having and for how m ...
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I am a 23 year old male with skin colored bumps on the rim of the penis. I have noticed them over the last 2-3 years. I am sexually active but only with one partner and most of our contact is protected. The bumps were there even before the first time I had sex. I am worried these could be genital warts and I could transmit them to my partner. Kindly advise.
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My 3 year old son has been breaking out into very itchy bumps for the last one week. These bumps come and go without leaving any mark. I have seen them on his face, arms, legs and stomach. There has been no change in his diet and he is otherwise well. What could this be? I am very worried.
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?
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I was prescribed betnovate for blackness under my eyes and as soon as i stopped, my cheeks were full of rashes and red bumps, then a dermatologist advised me momate. i have used for 4 years and it used to give me clear skin but now i want to stop using these steroids as i start getting rashes the moment i stop using them. From past 1 week i am facing the side effects of momate, my face is full of rashes and little red bumps. i know i used it for pretty long time now but please give me permanent solution to get rid of these steroids. My face is looking very ugly, please help me. Thank you
2 Answers