is there anything wrong if i d
  is there anything wrong if i d

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is there anything wrong if i didnt give my newborn ampiclox?

PAST HISTORY : good health

2 Answers

Hello..Ampiclox is an antibiotic. so it need not be given in any newborn who doesnt have any symptoms..

No if your newborn baby is fine no need to give any antibiotics.

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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?

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You have to do the test properly. You have to wait a good 2-3 hours after you put anything (including water) into your mouth. Also, alkaline is Blue almost turning purple. Just a good dark blue. If it is green, you are much more acidic than neutral (7.0 pH), but where you want to be is a bit higher than neutral at 7.4 which is dark blue. And right before you take the test swallow the saliva in your mouth a few times and then draw up fresh saliva from underneath your tongue. And THEN take the tes ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As per your description and keeping in account the age of your dear son, it looks mostly a primary herpetic gingivostomatitis to me. Give more of supportive treatment like ice chips and some coating agent for ulcers like kaolin pectin. Take care and visit any Oral Physician Regards... ...
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Hi I'm Emmanuel from India, I'm actually a white but due taking wrong medicines and creams going to the wrong Doctors My Skin has become dark, I'm looking for some thing which can restore my skin complexion.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You have a fair complexion as i saw on your face book photos, a lot of it depends what medicine did you have which changed your skin color because it might be some kind of allergy. Which drug caused allergy ? How fast did it happen ? Do you have any other symptom except for skin darkening Does it appear at more than one place and at what are the places If you have any kind of allergy then calamine lotion might be of help but it is difficult to comment without looking at at spots or may be w ...
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How to regain fitness, after masturbation (started masturbation at the age of 15-16)few points regarding my appearance which I noticed : 1)under eye hollowness and dark circles 2)Skinny body3)Not able to gain weight and add muscle .Current weight 58 kg, current height 5.8 feet 4)Sometimes frequency of urination is high.5)Dull face (others always tell me are you sick)no natural brightness on the face.5)feeling embarrassed due to dull face, hollowed eyes, and skinny body. I have read through many blogs(they told masturbation is good for health, after all its a natural process, but its causing wrong effects on me.My friends also do it but they look different, as compared to me. ), how much time it is required to regain full fitness.I have stopped masturbation from last 2 months(sometimes have night falls). What precautions i need to take and what all things i need to do to regain my body fitness.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Masturbation is good if done normally once in 3-4 days and not excessively,if you are having this problem i don't expect that this is due to masturbation. How is your genetic profile,means your parents and your grand parents how was their health were they the same ? If you want to gain weight have calorie rich food like milk shakes,mashed potatoes,cheese,paranthas,icecreams,also have noursihed high protein diet along with good excercise regimen to make muscle mass along with fat. You should ...
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?
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good afternoon, i have a stinky saliva which makes me wonder what is the root of this symptomps, my dentist said my oral condition is perfect, i did endoskopy and my interntist as well as gastro doctor didnt find anything that could possibly related with stinky saliva problem. what else should i find out to determine the cause of it? i think this stinky saliva started 2 or 3 years ago. i didnt worry too much at first, but lately ive been very concern.
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My 2 1/2 year old son had the flu and took tamiflu. A week after his symptoms got better he gotta a fever again for 3 days. He developed a large blister on his lower right lp and sores in his mouth. His teeth are sore and he cant drink eat or swallow much. His gums are red and swollen and bleed if we try to brush his teeth or he eat anything hard or crunchy. The doctor gave us amoxicillin but didnt diagnose anything and his mouth is still red and swollen, 6th day. The blister on his lip did not turn in to a coldsore. Its like an ulcer now that it has popped.
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