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Dr. Krupesh Rajani answered : 10 years ago
You have to do the test properly. You have to wait a good 2-3 hours after you put anything (including water) into your mouth. Also, alkaline is Blue almost turning purple. Just a good dark blue. If it is green, you are much more acidic than neutral (7.0 pH), but where you want to be is a bit higher than neutral at 7.4 which is dark blue. And right before you take the test swallow the saliva in your mouth a few times and then draw up fresh saliva from underneath your tongue. And THEN take the test.
And just so you know hopeless, if your body was constipated before hand, your body is still constipated after only one day of not eating. Or if you had parasites beforehand, you still have them after, and lastly if your good bacteria is few and far between before, and you still didn't eat any yogurt, then you'll still have THAT problem. Fasting from time to time makes a small amount of sense, but only if you do it a few days at a time rather than just one, howver your body needs nutrients!
How does that smell affect your breath? Well your body is NOT that big. You can see all the way down to your feet can't you? You can see about where your intestines are in the belly button area. So if that area is backed up and is infested with pathogenic bacteria or parasites, the smell can easily emanate 2 feet or so northward! Also if there are toxins circulating your blood, there's another cause. The blood circulates with the saliva. It's all inter-connected. Also, just the bacteria that naturally reside in your mouth can cause the odor if your mouth is acidic.
One more thing, if you can taste or feel your saliva is acidic hopeless, then it is! Trust me on this. Healthy saliva is thin, it is "clear" feeling, it should feel light and oxygenated. If you taste the aciditiy it most likely is! Your testing procedures are probably inaccurate. You should try it again, following the procedure I described.
I implore you to intake some calcium, plenty of vitamin D and drink a glass or two of milk per day to fix the saliva problem. Your body is starved for the absorbable calcium in milk. You don't even have to take it forever, just until you're saliva gets better. I know you probably have all these beliefs about what you should or shouldn't do.