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Dr. Niti Parmar answered : 11 years ago
If it is related to lower eye lid as well as cheek and nose of that side then it is due to local anesthesia given to you which will subside on its own. There is no correlation between upper eyelid and teeth.
Dr. AHMED BIDIWALA answered : 11 years ago
Before starting the upper extraction the doctor would give you local anaesthesia which would anaesthetize the lower eyelid,that side of the nose,cheeks and lips.The effect of anaesthesia remains for sometime depending on the amount injected.Some amount of numbness and weakness can be felt over the lower eyelid for few hours but not for days. Permanent Weakness in the eyelid can never be due to extraction.Please get it checked from a proper opthalmologist if the weakness persists.
Dr. rishabh khare answered : 11 years ago
yes there may be a temporary numbness in the lower eyelid, nose, cheek and lip (of the side where tooth extraction is done) for several hours after tooth extraction due to the effect of anaesthesia injected. so no need to worry, it will subside on its own. but if there is a permanent numbness ( for greater than 24 hrs) plz do consult an ophthalmologist.
Dr. shivangi gajwani jain answered : 11 years ago
Hi Louisa, Mild numbness in the eyelid maybe there temporarily after extraction due to presence of local anesthetic in the area. It goes as soon as the anesthesia wears of in a couple of hours. If it stays even after a day then I would strongly recommend that you visit a doctor for the same. Regards
Dr. Savita Gupta answered : 11 years ago
temporary numbness for few hours is there after upper teeth extraction because of local anaesthesia.It will subsides on its own.
Dr. Tilak Reddy Thupalli answered : 11 years ago
Dear Lousa,
I want you to be clear which tooth have been extracted, because the type of anaesthesia given to the nerve like if its an infra orbital block you may have lightly not exactly weakness but involuntary drooping of the eyelid on the side of the block given
Dr. Aniket Dhamorikar answered : 11 years ago
Hi. If the tooth extracted was an upper front tooth and your lower eyelid is numb then it's just the effect of the anesthesia that was given to you and should wear off in 5 hours. But if it was one of your molars and a posterior superior alveolar nerve blocks was given then there is a possibility of abducent nerve weakness which causes double vision and numbness of the outer side of your upper as well as lower eyelid. This is a very rare complication and is again reversible once the effect of anesthesia wears off. Just lubricate and protect the eye of the time being. This seems like an old query and probably you have recovered already. If not see an ophthalmologist