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PAST HISTORY : Hypothyroid patient for last 10 yrs and having sinus bradycardia with cervical spondylosis and having hepatic cyst in liver and follicular cyst in ovary.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Cervical spondylosis are degenerative changes in your cervical vertebra,And if your sympathetic chain is involved in the area of the cervical region or thoracic region which passes very near to the vertebra then bradycardia can be caused.(sympathetic chain is responsible for excitation)
sympathetic chain consists of bundle of nerves which produces excitation,however bradycardia might be due to other cause also it is not necessary that if you have cervical spondylosis then you have bradycardia(there are a number of causes of bradycardia and cervical will come only if many of them have been ruled out and many people can normally have slow heart rate specially if they have been a little athlete.