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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The common causes of unilateral headache are migraine,cluster headache, tension,trigeminal neuralgia,and temporal arteritis.
However these headaches are more common in females but can also be seen in a male,cervical spondylitis itself can lead to headache unilaterally if you have strained your neck.
Headache of migraine usually last for 24 hours
You can also check for your eyesight if its been a while,do you have pain around eyes
Do you have any medical illness?
Do you have migraine?
Are you allergic?
Does anyone in family have same headache?
Do you have nausea?
Do you face any stress?
Do you have any gastric problem,acidity?
Try to follow the following advices
1) Try not to take stress over your self,or overwork yourself
2) You may try yoga,early morning to reduce stress over yourself
3) Check your eyesight
4) Avoid high oily food or spicy food
5) Try to avoid your neck strain
6) You can use muscle relaxant on your neck and use hot watter bottle to relive headache
7) You can also use a neck collar for a few days if it is paining on straining neck
Feel free to ask further questions