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PAST HISTORY : tested for HIV at 150 day mark - tested negativelike - but symptoms are more likely to be HIV - after marriage seeing symptoms
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
i have donated blood - no history of sex in last 2 years - all pre marital reports are good - after marriage i am experiencing symptoms - kindly guide - brief history below: june 29 2012 married- after 1 st night - 1 week later got fever july 15 2012- i boozed and later joint pain and myalgia were present for a week or 10 days my jaws were swollen - pharyngitis july 27 2012 - went to ENT - said GERD September 17 - 2 months mark - tested for HIV - ECLIA method - 0.325- non reactive october mid- sometimes my armpits pain but bo swollen glands and on my right groin area feel swelling mildly but no swollen glands December 7 2012 - again tested - anti HIV ab/ag combo - ECLIA method - .302 - non reactive please guide me am i infected ??? because i didnt have such symptoms but now i am getting after exposure to my wife - i cant doubt my wife too- she is a good person.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
HIV is a disease in which the symptoms usually comes after about 6 months to infinity. They may not even appear for as long as 10 years and you have a total history of 5 months .
ECLIA won't appear positive till the antibodies are not made against the virus. It is not 100 percent true but usually it is considered to be effective (even if it is positive, even then it is not shore that you have HIV).
P-24 antigen is usually the first test to come positive if it is .There is still no test to confirm about HIV ,which says that you have it 100 percent.
You should trust your doctor and follow whatever he says and you should be fine,there are many other disease which can be present as HIV.
Feel free to ask more questions.