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PAST HISTORY : i had a recent surgery (FESS) for sinusitis which got complicated due to persitent epistaxis and i had to be repeatedly operated to stem the bleeeding(emobolization, cauterisation). That hass taken toll on digestive system
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
Till the time you are on heavy antibiotics you can take a drug which will help reduce acidity , if pantocid does not suit your need then you can take omeprazole or rabeprazole or even tab ranitidine suits some people .
First you should try tab ranitidine 150mg twice daily empty stomach .
For constipation high water intake is one , but also you should take high fiber diet like have plenty of salads and fruits like papaya which will help you with your bloating sensation and specially you will have to cut on things which cause acidity like spicy food , alcohol , smoking , avoid tea.
You can do regular exercise and work out that would also help you relieve your problem and have light dinner , that to at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed.
You can have milk and curd that also reduce acidity.
You need not take enterogermina , they are for people who have loose motion problem , do you have loose motions quite easily.