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PAST HISTORY : i m 17 yrs old girl and i m suffering from severe acne problem from last 3 yrs. i had used several products to get rid of it but none of them satisfied me .my chicks and forehead are just fill with small blacheads and with small pimples and scars had also developed plz recommend me what to do with my this problem.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Acne occur cause of excessive oily skin which occur due to hormonal change in your body.
Now for treating acnes there are some natural methods
1) Wash your face twice daily with acne soap(containing sulphur)
2) Keep your hair off your face
3) Have multivitamins
4) Have diet rich in vitamin A
5) Avoid make up
6) Never squeeze your black heads
7) Change your pillow cover daily
8) Avoid high glycemic index foods(cheese)
Recomended medical treatment
1) Acne lotions(containng benzoyl peroxide,sulfur,salicylic acid),this is a over the counter drug
2) Ibuprofen as an anti-inflamatory for moderate to severe acne
3) Antibiotic in case of severe acne
4) Tretinoin may be oral or topical can be prescribed by a doctor
Then there are a number of surgical treatment as well but for most girls they should go off as soon as they are finishing of their teen age. But I agree these might be making you concious so you might follow the natural treatment mentioned above first. They should help you I believe and should be enough. You will have to be a little less concious because you can't change your hormonal level or the fact that your body is still developing.
If you don't feel satisfied then you might take acne lotions(which can cause a little burning),if it causes excessive burning then or if you are not satisfied by that also then you might consult a dermatologist.
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