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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually a wife does not like to have sex with her husband when she feels disconected because of a number of reasons
1)She might be feeling that you might have cheated her some where
2)You treat her overly like a kid
3)She has lost repect for you because you are unable to deal with various life problems because of x number of reasons
4)You are involved in to much of pornography
5)If you do sex just to satisfy your self and not her
6)She is worried for her family life
7)She might be having pain on sex due to some medical issues
8)She is to stressed with something
9)She has some problem medically due to hormonal imbalances(becuase of which she might be having low sex drive)
So help her sort out her life and problems in her life and if she does not feel well due to any thing then you may visit an obstetrician and a gynaecologist to get her checked up if everything is well or not.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Ok, one of the reason from above point..... So how could we improve ourself, from past few months we are having misunderstading for silly things, she is not able to understand... she say she required freedom for everything she does.... Kindly suggest me on this to convence her.........
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
There is no fixed awnser to this and this depends on from temprent of person to another so this you will have to deal it your self and make understand and find a awnser to her solution with keeping her importance equallly in your mind.
Relations like marriage will always be stressed once in a while and you need to let the relations loose once in while or so as to feel them better,their will be some ego clashes,you will have to understand that.