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PAST HISTORY : i have a dark spot on my dick and its increasing as how can i rid of to it and getting black colour around it as i request you to pls suggest me some thing good medicine for it.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Small dark spots are commonly seen on penis,and most of time they are are not a matter of concern.You will have to describe your spot a little more in detail how big does the spot look exactly and since when is the spot there(how long) and are there any other symptoms like burning micturition or any discharge or itching or may be any other symptom ?
Do you have more number of sexual partners ?
I hope it is a spot and no ulceration or raised area is visible
Is there any accompanied pain ?
Preventive measures for now
1)always use a condom during sex it will help you prevent any std
2)keep penis clean,dry ,maintain hygiene
3)use cotton clothes(undergarments)
4)have plenty of water at 2-3l
5)avoid wearing tight clothes for a few days
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I dont have a pain with it or nothing etc but the spot like mark is coming on it since last few months as i got afraid as i am getting married in few months as so i asked you sir and i wanna get rid of to that black spot on it pls.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Earlier it use to get erect also now i see it doesnt get much or it has become more weak i guess pls suggest me what i should do for it.?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You are facing psychological issues i believe and it should not be a matter of concern if you were having everything normal previously then it should be still fine.You are just stressing your self up.
You did not tell me much about your spot and neither about your sexual status,if you do not have any discharge or any pain then it should not be std,you should probably wait and watch it for a few days,if you have any symptoms like pain,discharge or ulceration or raised area,or if you have itching over the spot then you should immediately visit the dermatologist.
Try and follow the preventive measures i told you and it should be fine.