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Dr. MAJ. DEV KUMAR answered : 11 years ago
no, clove oil does not help fighting tooth decay. u should immediately consult ur dentist. as u r having pain ur tooth may require root canal treatment.
Dr. Mihir Khakhar answered : 11 years ago
Tooth pain is not always associated with tooth decay. Clove oil wil provide you temporary relief from toothache. It wil not help you to fight tooth decay. The nature of pain will also tell about the cause of pain. A dull pain could be some form of periodontal disease. Whereas a sharp pain could be due to trauma or caries. There could also be some kind infection on the tooth which leads to pain.
Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
Clove oil must never be used. It can contain some substances that can burn your gums.
Is the pain occurring only at night or all though the day. U must consult a dentist.
Dr. RAJAT NANGIA answered : 11 years ago
No clove oil does not fight against tooth decay. it produces localized sedative effect to the affected tooth causing relief. but long use may burn your gingiva (gums)
Dr. Opinder Singh Thind answered : 11 years ago
As mentioned by my colleagues clove oil is a big no as it can damage the mucous membrane lining the gingiva(gums). Try to locate a good dentist who can take an x-ray for you and give you the required treatment. Good luck ..
Dr. NIRAV PATEL answered : 11 years ago
clove oil is home remedy... its good to prevent caries... not to cure caries. there r two possibilities caries or gum , check in the mirror for any dark spot on teeth [proximal caries are not visible] or inflamed gums [red, bleeding, swelling] , but best option is visit yr dentist.
Dr. Savita Hadakar answered : 11 years ago
tooth pain is most commonly because of tooth decay. but clove oil is not the remedy for that. better visit a dentist, get the X ray done and start a indicated treatment.