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PAST HISTORY : I had a serious breast infection that started to go septic about 5-6 years ago. The same thing is happening again
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Could this be a sign of cancer. When this started 5-6 years ago they thought I had inflammatory breast cancer. They took a biopsy at the same place I now feel the lump. When this happened last time my breast looked like an orange peel. What can I do about this? They never found out last time. They ended up lancing it to remove the infection.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
A blood discharge from your nipple can never be normal. However pus might be due to simple infection or it may be something else and you might be confusing it.
The cause of bloody discharge might
- Breast Cancer
- Duct pappiloma
- Fibrocystic disease of breast
and the orange appearance you described me is a typical appearance itself of a cancer,so i would recommend you to just confirm your pathological reports twice from different labs and might take 2 different opinion from 2 doctors because it can be serious.
To confirm, various tests might be performed like biopsy,ultrasound or an mri might be done to do that.
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