I have 4 month old child she s
  I have 4 month old child she s

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I have 4 month old child she still looks like small newborn baby everyone are saying that my is inadequate so I am giving formula as well bf also. Recently I have gone through breast incision and drain. So what should do for my baby growth

1 Answers

You can start top feeding if nessesaary with paediatrician advice

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For my sister in the age of 14, few steroids injected to suppress the growth of an abscess which was grown due to herpes viral infection in the upper lip below nose. The abscess growth stopped and we satisfied about the medication. Now she is 30, but her personnel body growth is getting reduced day by day. She is around 40 kg now. We have a doubt, is there any side effect happened because of the steroid injected.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Steroids given by systemic route play a role in body stunting,but once the full body size is achieved or height is achieved,then body stunting doesn't occur and steroid leads to increase in weight gain and does not reduce weight. So if her personal body growth is reducing now after gaining full weight and height, the cause should not be steroid taken at that tender age,and she should have a detailed examination and investigation to find out the cause of the disease. Feel free to ask more ...
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My 13 year old son had testicule torsion about a year ago, he was in the hospital and had surgery to remove one of his testicles. Now almost a year later he suddenly developed a red rash on his ball sac where the surgical incision is and its not smooth but rather rough , peeling a little but not hot to touch however feels like a slight pinching feeling. What may be the cause and should I just seek medical attention or do you have alternative suggestions?

  Doctor's Answer

probably keloid,take n opinion ...
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I have had a metalic taste in my mouth for a few weeks. Medical conditions: I am going through menopause, so am taking HRT. The odd taste came approximately the same time I increased my Estrace dose from 0.5mg q hs to 0.75. I also take prometrium as well as 50mcg of Synthroid, which I take in the morning. Last night, the metalic taste, which now seems like a copper taste, was so intense I felt like I had electicity in my mouth. I have very good dental hygeine and was recently in for a check up so I have ruled out anything dental. thanks, Paige

  Doctor's Answer

Certain medication are known to alter taste perception, Change the pH of saliva. If you any restoration done recently or previously make sure that they are of the same material. If different metallic restorations are present they known to induce galvanic current with saliva being the electrolyte. ...
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Now I am 10 weeks pregnant and my doctor is saying that USG is showing that the foetus is 9 weeks old and no such limbs are seen in the foetus. Doctor advised to take Injection CORION 5000IU weekly and ARGIPREG Sachet -1 sachet daily with other regular Tablets like ASA 50(1 daily), SYSFOL PLUS (2tab daily) and DUBAGEST-200(1 daily). Doctor is suspecting the foetus is of poor growth and poor liquor. Doctor said to take Injection for 3 weeks and if any improvements are not found then, I have to discontinue my pregnancy, but I am not in a mood to take such decision. Please guide me if I can carry my pregnancy and what shall I do now?

  Doctor's Answer

your case is one of high risk pregnancy as you have had one previous still birth. If Baby has poor birth weight and leads to still birth ,then other causes of poor growth of baby in recurrent pregnancies needs to be evaluated.Please get your thyroid profile done,thrombophilia screen done as these are the most common causes of theses problems.also let me know whether the baby was normal in appearance in previous pregnancy and if any autopsy was suggested to you. inj corion and is given to suppo ...
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Hi, I often get pain in my left breast above areolas. It stays only for few minutes. I am experiencing this from past few month. I don't have any lumps in my breast and no one in my family has ever had breast cancer. Does this pain symptom for breast cancer?? Do i have to go through a mammography?? Pls help

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, pain cannot be attributed to cancer always. However it is advisable that you should consult a physician who can assess and examine for any abnormality. If physician deems it fit you might be advised a mammography. ...
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