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Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 11 years ago
I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. Well babies often have spots known as Mongolian Spots on the lower back and buttocks. These spots are usually present at birth but can develop even afterwards in the first week of life. These spots are harmless and disappear over a few months to years and no treatment is required. The medical name for the problem is Congenital Dermal Melanocytosis. Here is a link with more information regarding Mongolian spots:
However if the spots look different than those in the link I sent then other causes of infantile bruising need to be considered like Vitamin K deficiency and low platelets. These will require medical tests. I sincerely hope you can work out your problem and wish you all the best.
Please note that the information I have provided is for general purposes only and does not establish a patient-doctor relationships. No prescription cream or tablet should be taken without consulting a doctor in person.