Total Views: 941
PAST HISTORY : Gastric band, c section, tmj correction
Dr. Dilbans Pandher answered : 11 years ago
Though many people will blame LBA on LP, I'm of totally different opinion.
LP does not cause LBA since I operate about 40-50 patients in a months and out of this 30 get LP. No one ever complains of LBA.
Your LBA can be because of prolonged bed rest. I will suggestion gentle back strengthening exercises for management of LBA in your case.
Just make sure that exercise should not cause pain, should not leave residual fatigue and there should be no jerky motion involved.
Dr. MANISH SHAH answered : 11 years ago
Take plenty of fluids orally and do not take pillow for few days. If it severely disturbs you, you can take simple paracetamol tablets as and when required.