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PAST HISTORY : Pregnant 8th month.having tuberculosis abscess in neck.which now recover my doctor stop medicine for TB.because it raises my sgpt and bilirubin for 10 days.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Your sgpt values are high and you should get your complete liver function test with serum albumin and hamoglobin,and if you have these reports then you will have to attach the reports.
You are on treatment for tuberculosis, r cinex is for tb, i m not sure what is there in brandon 40(please mention the drug in it,does it contain pyridoxine ?,kindly mention)
You have to have drugs or treatment for tuberculosis inspite of pregnancy,what is your question i din't get you kindly mention it in more detail.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hello, sir , I am 32 week pregnant , past I have tuberculosis abscess in my neck , till date it was recover. I have taken anti TB medicine from 26 Jan .last month my Dr change my medicine myconex to rcinex 600. From which my sgpt rises to 407 and serum billurin hb is 12.6. Now my Dr suggest some another medivine which I attached..I have taken some suggestions from different doctor. He suggest me. To stop anti tb medicine. For 10 days. And take folmet medicine until my sgpt become normal.please suggest me what I do .is my medicine effect my baby in womb. I am getting panic
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Tablet myconex has been stopped for the same reason becuase it contained few drugs which are not good for the baby(in womb),and were changed to r cinex which did not suit you.
I am no sure over the medicine medivine,please let me know what does it contain,is it a vitamin suppliment ?(if it is a vitamin suppliment you can have that for now)
I agree with the other doctor for you to stop tb medicine for a few days and you can have that tablet folmet,which contains a product whhoose deficiency is caused by anti tb drugs which you have been having and that will replinish the stores and then tb medicines could be started again.
Don't panic just stop those medicines for now for 7 days and then get your liver functions repeated and then we will restore your medicines if it comes back to normal.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thank you sir, Just let me know stopping anti tb medicine. Won't effect the baby. Because I am not taking it . I take only medicine Folvite.please suggest. It is ok for now.once my sgpt become normal I continue my anti Tb.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Tb medicines have to be stopped if your liver functions are disturbed acutely,however i don't have the other tests which are the other parameters for making a decision to stop tb medicine like prothrombin time,if that too is raised acutely then the drugs have to be stopped.
So you will have to give me details of all the test to make a decision and also examine you to tell you finally.
But yes these drugs have to be stopped for patients benefit and this will not have any bad effect on your baby don't worry.