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Dr. mukul patel answered : 8 years ago
From your description, It seems that you are having chronic anal fissure with piles & constipation together with anal stenosis.
If you have a chronic fissure (more than three months) it cannot be cured by taking medicines orally. You may experience some symptomatic relief for some time only. But it will be triggered back. Please contact a proctologist near by you or surgeon experience in the field of ano-rectal diseases.
If you have bean taking laxatives for long periods your sphincter mechanism gets disturbed because it does not need to expand to allow formed stool to pass. TO re-establish it, we may need to lord's procedure the anal canal (dilation) However, we can decide about what should be done only after examining you.
Passing soft but formed stool should be a normal procedure you should not need to take laxatives regularly.
Ano-rectal fissure with sentinel piles can be treated successfully with lord’s procedure with laser surgery.
Maximum 8 hours hospitalization will be necessary. There will be no side effects or excessive pain. Anesthesia will be necessary.
The procedure can be done in our hospital.
If you wish, you can come to the hospital when you are well come to visit our centre "shreyas ano-rectal hospital & research centre, Majuragate ring road surat
Till than
• Take food with lots of fibber
• take plenty of liquids warm whenever possible)
• do not strain when passing stool
• sitz in a small tub of warm water after passing the stool. It will give you instant pain relief.
In case you may contact on our email proctocureatgmaildotcom