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PAST HISTORY : I am from HYDERABAD - INDIA and was suffering with low platelet went as low as 1000. Underwent Spleenactomy 11 months back.( 5th July 2012 ) Due to Steroid administration my blood sugar level went up and I am under medication. Due to the Tablet Gemer 1 the platelet count which was 1,50,000 came down to 9000 with in 30 days. It was stopped and the count started increasing and with in 5 days it has raised to 20000 now. Now Doctors want to give Gluconom SR 500. Is it OK ? Pl. advise.
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
You were originally also taking metformin along with a combination of glimepiride,although glimiperide can decrease platelet count but in rare cases.
Metformin is a safe drug and should not be of any problem to you,the only thing that will have to be noticed is that because you were originally taking two drugs so will a single drug be able to control your sugar or not that will have to be noticed and your blood sugar might be repeated for monitoring the efficacy of the drug.
Just for being safe you can get your platelet levels once after a few days of starting metformin also,inspite of it being safe drug but still you never know with human body how it may react.