Hi. Im 4 months pregnant now.
  Hi. Im 4 months pregnant now.

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Hi. Im 4 months pregnant now. Is it safe to use bactidol for mouthwash? Please help i'm so worried it might affect my baby:(

1 Answers

Hi there. Yes, it is safe to use bactidol mouthwash while you are pregnant. Very minimal amount, if any will reach your baby. It is alo a good practice to have good oral hygiene while you are pregnant. Tooth decay or any infection might harm your baby directly or indirectly.

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Matching Already Answered Queries

I had a tooth surgically extracted Dec. 20th. It has felt like it has not healed properly. Five days ago I noticed the inside gum (under tongue) back from where the tooth was extracted had exposed bone and is extremely painful. I went back to the dentist today and she said it was not from the extraction, but was a mouth ulcer causing the bone to be exposed. She Rx'ed magic mouthwash and lortab 5mg. I have appt with oral surgeon on Thursday. I am concerned about she didn't give me antibiotics and the surgeon wont give any until consultation. Is this dangerous to have exposed bone? I have lupus and I don't know how this will affect me. Help

  Doctor's Answer

Its a complication that occurs after a traumatic extraction and what is known as dry socket. See your dental surgeon and ask for topical antibiotics. ...
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my husband has cellulitis that has reoccurred on his face, he was given strong antibiotics and now after about 2 months its back, NoW he has developed diabetic symptoms he also has swollen ankles, and sometimes hands, I dont know if the two are related, and his face is now numb, I dont know where to take him for treatment, because he also has a bad tooth that might have caused it. where do i go? ER? PCP? Dentist? HElp!!

  Doctor's Answer

Dear Patient, Please immediately check for diabetes, routine Blood and Urine at the start. This is to rule out Diabetes. Press your thumb on the swelling part at the ankles for a while and observe if the tissues regain their original shape immediately or return after sometime which indicates retention of water in the body. Please get a medical detailed profile for a proper diagnoses. This appears to be a systemic condition rather than dental who will take care of a bad tooth later ...
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Hi, The foreskin on my penis is quite tight and I am not able to retract that easily. I am in a planning for marriage in next 2 - 3 months. So any resolution for the above problem? I have checked for options and came to know that Circumcision can be an option but worried about the process of removal of complete foreskin. I personally feel that foreskin is a very sensitive part of penis comprised of vital sex nerves, which helps to release sensual felling during masturbation/sexual activity but as the part of process to circumcision surgery, the foreskin need to be cut away so, worried that, without foreskin how I can get sexual sensation in future or during foreplay? How penis reacts after removal of foreskin for sexual activities? Is it true circumcision surgery really reduces some level sexual sensitivity from penis? Please help me on above queries. Thanks, Bikram

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Usually tight fore skin indicates that you either had phimosis or infection or scarring of your fore skin,which has to be removed now. It is a controversial topic and there is no confirmatory study,however all the studies done till now have indicated that sensation don't reduce or make no difference and that is what I have noticed too. Your sensation will be provided to you by your glans now,and sexual sensation should not reduce and there is confirmatory evidence on this that circumcisio ...
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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Fatigue means thakaan or to get tired easily,the symptoms you described are not of nerve weakness.Rest other symptoms are very normal things which many people might face and it is difficult to comment may be there is some thing locally on your back which might be irritating you or may be some kind of allergy. If you really feel that way when you masturbate then get your self checked up to a nearest doctor and he might have to do investigation and various tests to confirm if everything is fi ...
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i m 30 yrs old, a female n hving a son of 5yrs. due to my anxiety problem i m taking paxidep cr12.5 and duzela 20 from past 2 years as prescribed by my doctor. i m feeling better after taking them , i hve tried to leave them a many times but the moment i leave it takes me to my previous condition. my husband n my parents always ask me to leave it as it will effect my health as i so young. but i m worried tht by doing so it might not worsen my condition, can you guide me regarding it. is there any treatment in homeopathic or ayurvedic?

  Doctor's Answer

For anexity depression there r very good and safe medicines but u have to take these for long term bases. Even u can take with allopathy medicines and after 6 months slowly leave ur allopathic medicines and contine ayurvedic medicines even life long. I have very good ayurvedic medicines for ur problem. No side effects. For more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u. . ...
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I had a tooth surgically extracted Dec. 20th. It has felt like it has not healed properly. Five days ago I noticed the inside gum (under tongue) back from where the tooth was extracted had exposed bone and is extremely painful. I went back to the dentist today and she said it was not from the extraction, but was a mouth ulcer causing the bone to be exposed. She Rx'ed magic mouthwash and lortab 5mg. I have appt with oral surgeon on Thursday. I am concerned about she didn't give me antibiotics and the surgeon wont give any until consultation. Is this dangerous to have exposed bone? I have lupus and I don't know how this will affect me. Help
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my husband has cellulitis that has reoccurred on his face, he was given strong antibiotics and now after about 2 months its back, NoW he has developed diabetic symptoms he also has swollen ankles, and sometimes hands, I dont know if the two are related, and his face is now numb, I dont know where to take him for treatment, because he also has a bad tooth that might have caused it. where do i go? ER? PCP? Dentist? HElp!!
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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??
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1 Answer