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PAST HISTORY : 4 wisdom teeth extracted. Stitches have dissolved
Dr. Basant Singh answered : 11 years ago
before the extraction of your wisdom teeth if an x-ray was would most likly show your cavity too...
the metallic taste is a common taste described by many patients...which might be the fluids released during the healing process or just some residual food material...
Rinse with luke warm water and very little salt to keep the area clean
when you can comfortably open your mouth you can get the doubt of you cavity cleared by visiting your dentist and getting the tooth examined
Dr. pradeep kumar answered : 11 years ago
do exercise by opening up your as much as possible until you bear pain five times daily in the morning and evening , otherwise your mouth will get locked , don't worry about your metallic taste that might due to medication , use salt water gargling, healing will take place , dont worry,
Dr. Vasant Pawar answered : 11 years ago
I have some doubt about your wisdom tooth (teeth) removal:
1. You are just 15 and how come your wisdom tooth is removed?
2. How many wisdom teeth are removed?
3. Are you sure you got your wisdom teeth removed?
4. Generally wisdom teeth erupt (i.e. show in the mouth) after the age of 18 years. How come you got yhem removed at the age of 15 Years?
Dr. Rama Chandra Barik answered : 11 years ago
warm saline mouth rinse vigorously after each meal will remove food debris and facilitate healing.
baloon blowing excercise with mouth opening excercise will reduce the stiffness in jaw.
u can have a iopar or bitewing radiograph to confirm caries in 2nd molar teeth
Dr. Opinder Singh Thind answered : 11 years ago
4 wisdom teeth removed at the age of just 15 years ?? Something very very rare. Did you have any discomfort because of these teeth. An x-ray of before extraction would be of great help to know the reasons and clarify your question as well. Metallic taste is usually a result of antibiotics prescribed by your dentist but is normal. Thanks
Dr. vineet bansal answered : 11 years ago
do warm saline gargle after every meal,avoid to touch that area with tongue.
Dr. AKHTARHUSAIN MANSURI answered : 11 years ago
Although a wisdom tooth appearance in the mouth is rare at your age as these teeth normally erupts between the age of 16 & 18 I still take your word and suggest that you gargle with betadine or hexadine oral rinses 10 minutes after meals and try oral exercise by putting two cleaned fingers and increasing them to three gradually. your mouth is bound to open in another 15 days. Oral rinses will remove the metallic taste and previous if preoperative xrays can confirm distal caries if any.
Dr. NIRAV PATEL answered : 11 years ago
wait for healing.... problem is still there after that, visit dentist [ its common ......... caries in next to impacted tooth]
Dr. sathish kumar answered : 11 years ago
dont worry ,these is normal postextraction complicaation.u just do mouth gargling ,for mouth opening go for mouthopening exercise,take chewing gum do all movement in mouth.