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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I won't sugeest you to switch back to tribet 2,although the last i knew was about the drug being banned and not about the ban being lifted(the drug was not banned by us fda and was banned only india pharmac authority).
But other drugs in the same group of drugs were banned previously and ban has still not being lifted over those drugs,so i would recomend you not to take tribet-2 drug,but i would search and tell you about its saftey indices after confirmed reading from latest article.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks. I will really appreciate if you can confirm if this ban on Tribet-2 has been lifted as I asked some pharmacists as well and they also mentioned that it has been lifted now. Will really appreciate confirmation from your side. Thanks, Satish
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes this is true that tribet 2 is back in market, but they have allowed it with safety precautions written on the pack like its prone to cause bladder cancer.
If you have repeated history of seasonal allergies or difficulty in breathing or you are working in place which deals with chemicals,then i would recommend you to avoid the drug.
If you have any problems in urine like frequency or urgency or pain in urine report to your doctor immediately.