Total Views: 1017
Dr. Prasun mishra answered : 11 years ago
Less likely will Wed directly lead to lymph nodes...however wed does reduce immunity of oral cavity, nose and throat and so high chance of minor infection ..leading to lymphnode......get your blood tested, get a throat swab...and take a good course of antibiotics...should work..
let me know if blood tests have been done
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Ive JUST had a full panel blood test nd it all came back completely normal! Also I wanted to say that I did have SEVERE mono not to long ago and ive read that mono c an leave your lymphnodes permanently swollen?
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Ive JUST had a full panel blood test nd it all came back completely normal! Also I wanted to say that I did have SEVERE mono not to long ago and ive read that mono c an leave your lymphnodes permanently swollen?