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Dr. Kamalika Bhattacharya answered : 9 years ago
Here are some tips for how to handle your back pain:
-stop normal physical activity for the first few days. This will help relieve your symptoms and reduce any swelling in the area of the pain.
-Apply heat or ice to the painful area. One good method is to use ice for the first 48 to 72 hours, and then use heat. Take pain relievers medicine. --While sleeping, try lying in a curled-up, fetal position with a pillow between your legs. If you usually sleep on your back, place a pillow or rolled towel under your knees to relieve pressure.
-Do not perform activities that involve heavy lifting or twisting of your back for the first 6 weeks after the pain begins.
-Avoid bending forward and sitting in a place for long time
-Stretching and strengthening exercises are important. But, starting these exercises too soon after an injury can make your pain worse.
-Some Physiotherapy treatment like IFT can give you some relief .
-A physical therapist can tell you when to begin stretching and strengthening exercises and how to do them.