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PAST HISTORY : Breathing problem abd stomach swelling problem.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
i stopped inhaling sereflo 250mg from 5-6-2013, there is no throat pain as well as head ache. But again from yesterday i have slight breathing problem and stomach swelling started.what to do?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
what is the remedy for this?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes you can stop seroflo,but you will be needed to be changed by seroflo with some other inhaler which does not irritate your throat(that can be first option),although if you are taking seroflo directly even then throat pain pain or infection can be caused you may use a spacer to take seroflo if you are not using spacer even that may reduce chances of throat infection(this is the second option).
Otherwise you can't leave your inhaler just for throat infection,breathing problem is more troublesome and serious,dose and frequency of the inhaler and which drug(there are many drugs in market) can be given to you that can be decided only after examining you but i gave you about the options you have.
Headache can have many causes,i can't conclude with this that you were having headache due to the drug,in fact if the drug is not effective to you then you can have headache.