Currently I am feeling like ve
  Currently I am feeling like ve

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Currently I am feeling like very weak and headache, mouth is smelling and unable to eat anything and nose is dry and also teeth are paining. Can you please let me know , what could be the problem, it is a flu like symptom..?

PAST HISTORY : Currently I am feeling like very weak and headache, mouth is smelling and unable to eat anything and nose is dry and also teeth are paining.

1 Answers

This is due to viral fever ,sinusitis .

Maintain fluid intake ,have healthy and fresh food,take rest ,have fruits and vegetables and light food .
Get your check up done to near physicians and dentist..

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I am feeling pain in the right knee joint. the pain is felt starting from lower back spine , then in right kneew joint, then in the muscles below the knee join and in the foot . Also on movement of the knee , bending or unfolding or folding, a sound like tuk is heard. I had an x-ray which is stating that possible loose calcific opacity in the joint. Please let me know is this is a serious problem, can this lead to arthritis or is this the start of the arthritis. Is there any permanenet treament to get rid of this and can this be permanently cured. I am very much worried about the problem, please help me on this. thanks.

  Doctor's Answer

Please Get X ray or MRI of your Lower Back !! will have to clear whether the pain arising is from back and referred to knee and foot, or is solely knee joint pain. when you hear sound like tuk while folding or unfolding ie bending and straightening your knees, that means your popliteus muscle ie behind the knee joint is weak and complete load is taken by the meniscus or ligament supporting the knee. i would advise you 3 things, get mri scan for lower back, strengthen the muscle and ligament of y ...
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Currently I am feeling like very weak and headache, mouth is smelling and unable to eat anything and nose is dry and also teeth are paining. Can you please let me know , what could be the problem, it is a flu like symptom..?

  Doctor's Answer

This is due to viral fever ,sinusitis . Maintain fluid intake ,have healthy and fresh food,take rest ,have fruits and vegetables and light food . Get your check up done to near physicians and dentist.. ...
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ma teeth become yellow dentist did ma scaling .n it worked teeth turned white ...but after 3 month teeth again become yellow dentist told me that ma mouth is sensitive and gets accumulate on ma teeth.thats the reason.....plz help me .....what should i do

  Doctor's Answer

Need to review your diet and your brushing technique. Need to know whether only discoloration or tartar deposits on the tooth. ...
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?

  Doctor's Answer

Angular eruption of third molar needs extraction.It is of no use anyway,get it removed by a good oral surgeon,it does not require replacement ...
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I went to the doctors already and he said i have the flu...its terrible i havent slept in days my fever hasnt gone down for a few days today it went down but went back up in a few its starting to hurt when i urinate and its hard for it to come this common with the flu

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Urinary problems are not common in flu and should not be related. However this can happen if you have low immunity then you can have multiple problems together. Usually flu are viral in nature which will take some time at least whether or not you take drugs (antibiotic),but taking an antibiotic will help you so that you don't have any other infection. Viral has a fixed period cycle Have plenty of water(that will help you flush your system) Have fresh fruits and vegetable Pain can be due ...
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