costochondritis can cause irre
  costochondritis can cause irre

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costochondritis can cause irregular heartbeat

PAST HISTORY : costochondritis

1 Answers

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

after i had costochondritis since july i have fatigue and exhaustion. i had apunch on chest 3 years ago by my x boyfriend.i had no pain before,i had a lot of stress the last 2 years and costo came up 6 months ago too much pain and difficulty to not so much pain but i have fatigue and pvcs. i am afraid.i used to ecersise every day.can i find myself again? so desperated

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

can this costo create more problems?


No costochondritis does not cause irregular heart beat. That might be your feeling because of pain while breathing or difficulty in breathing may be. The cause can be traumatic and it can also be due to infection.

Since you don't have pain or may be less pain, avoid physical exercise for now and wait for some more time and be on drugs such as anti-inflamatory drugs for now. If it is too much then steroids and aesthetic might be given and if infective(antibacterial might also be given). Local ice or heat might give you relief.
It is difficult to treat costochondritis, and it is difficult to say when will it be completely treated

If costochondritis causes too much of difficulty in breathing then consult your doctor. Usually this is the only problem it creates.(rest complications high fever,pus formation)

I'm not sure what you meant by pvcs(if it was premature ventricular contractions then usually it should not cause this,and if it is occurring the two diseases are not linked then) and kindly consult a doctor as it can be a serious problem.

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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, I would like to ask you what do you mean by word slow heart beat because it might mean a little different medically. Usually inhalers are responsible for tachycardia(fast heart rate than slow),specially the drug taken by you. These are very common drugs that might cause you to have a little bit of tremors and might cause you to feel that you are feeling your heart beat,or it might also cause headache,dizziness,or may be vomiting. I believe you can ask your physician to change your inhaler ...
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Hi, For the symptoms you are presenting, we need to rule out the presence of angina in such a situation since you have told me that your blood tests revealed nothing. I also hope that you must have got an ECG done(which can only rule out presence of any heart disease). Excessive burping and such symptoms can also be due to gerd(gastro esophageal reflux disease). First of all you will have to rule out any associated heart disease,since you are in high risk group(diabetic,mildly hypertensive). ...
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costochondritis can cause irregular heartbeat

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, No costochondritis does not cause irregular heart beat. That might be your feeling because of pain while breathing or difficulty in breathing may be. The cause can be traumatic and it can also be due to infection. Since you don't have pain or may be less pain, avoid physical exercise for now and wait for some more time and be on drugs such as anti-inflamatory drugs for now. If it is too much then steroids and aesthetic might be given and if infective(antibacterial might also be given). Loc ...
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  Doctor's Answer

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Menstrual problem r because of lot of reasons like metabolic harmonal endocrine infections psychological nutritional etc u need correct diagnosis for ur problem then treatment becomes easy.u need combination therapy like medicine exercise diet yoga meditatition nutritional suppliment .I need ur detailed history investigation and previous medications. I have very good ayurvedic medicines for ur problem. no side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three ...
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