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PAST HISTORY : 2011 lap. surgery to remove a septated cyst - surgeon suffered a bad surgery before mine (perf. bowel) & was called back into theatre as I was being prepared in the anti-room.
After I recovered, advised the cyst was not removed as it was sitting behind my large fibroid uterus, which has scar tissue attaching it to the pelvic wall/s.
History over 23 years (that I can recall) - Chlamydia x 2, BV x 3, Thrush on & off, HPV wart removed from cervix, gardnerella x 3, unexplained infertility, 2 rounds of IUI treatments - 11 & 9 follicles - no success, appendix removed, D&C x 2, previous cyst burst = hospital, scleroderma (confined to the dermis - upper right quadrant of stomach), 2 lap. surgeries in total, 'Old' endometriosis scarring, Trichomoniasis x 2, 2 x colonoscopies to check 'unexplained pain' - I don't recall the exact diagnosis, 2 x gastroscopy - 1 to check why I was suffering with 'unexplained pain in the diaphragm area' - turns out I had 'junk' to be flushed from the gallbladder area, & 1 to check why I have bad breath (apparently I have a hiatal hernia which causes reflux), internal band of a small haemorrhoid (didn't work completely apparently)