About Dr. Vivek Nair
Dr. Vivek Nair is a Dermatologist from Gurgaon, India. He has been practicing for 23 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MBBS from Maulana Azad Medical College , Delhi University, class of 2002. He Completed MD, class of 2007.
He has been awarded with various awards like Prof V.N Sehgal Gold Medal for Excellence in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy: Delhi University Dermatology MD Exam, 2007, Young Dermatologist of the year 2007 IADVL, Delhi State Branch and Award for paper on The surgical management of postacne scarring in Indian Patients.
Dr. Vivek Nair's EDUCATION
Dr. Vivek Nair completed MBBS
from Maulana Azad Medical College , Delhi University
, Class Of 2002
Dr. Vivek Nair completed MD
, Class Of 2007
Dr. Vivek Nair's AWARDS

Prof V.N Sehgal Gold Medal for Excellence in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy: Delhi University Dermatology MD Exam, 2007

Young Dermatologist of the year 2007 IADVL, Delhi State Branch

Award for paper on The surgical management of postacne scarring in Indian Patients