Topics Yeast
  Topics Yeast


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Diagnosed with yeast infection in vagina...white discharge occasionally....having painful intercourse as well...PAP smear result is attached...taken medication details below 1. Syscan tablets- 150 mg- 1 2. Cansoft vag tablets - 3 days 3. Zole Ointment 15gm ...but it seems problems still continuing...taking Femilon contraceptives for one year...having stomach upsets frequently...Please provide remedies... Thank You

Hi!! Frequent yeast infection in the vagina can be due to medical conditions like diabetes so kindly get a fasting blood sample for blood sugar.Also,take a 7 day course of cansoft tablets and take syscan 150 mg once weekly for 6 weeks.Also rule out underlying infection in your partner as sexually transmitted infections can lead to persistent vaginal infection. ...

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Going on the start of month 4 of jock itch/yeast infection with no relief have seen GP and Dermo. Have been on at least 4 topicals and 3 orals one of them twice. Don't know if its related but 3% hydrogen peroxide burnt the tip of my tongue yesterday?

Hi, It's really irritating I know. Can you please tell me details about the problem? Please describe the site, onset, duration etc. If possible share a picture of the lesion.Also tell me the about topicals you have used. I will try to help. Thanks. ...

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Going on the start of month 4 of jock itch/yeast infection with no relief have seen GP and Dermo. Have been on at least 4 topicals and 3 orals one of them twice. Don't know if its related but 3% hydrogen peroxide burnt the tip of my tongue yesterday?

Hi, It's really irritating I know. Can you please tell me details about the problem? Please describe the site, onset, duration etc. If possible share a picture of the lesion.Also tell me the about topicals you have used. I will try to help. Thanks. ...

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Good morning doc...i have a problem about my discharged...this is a long time as i remembered it was started discharged is like a cream and lots come out everyday..i dont.know.about.infection..last 2015 i was noticed that the discharged is like a cheese.sometimes i did not.changed underwear coz i was very busy at work....the normal.but the discharged was not normal co alot and make my undies wet...last 2016 sept 20 i feel.itchy but its not painful .i do some.home.remedies coz i just a simple.infection..its very itchy .then after a week its gone after my period..then a week after my.prriod its itchy again..i but its not.a gyne..its just aa medical clinic..she said.its yeast infection..she gave me anntibiotics for fungal and cream and for inflammation of itchiness...was improved a bit but now.come bacck my.discharged is like.a pus and when.its.come out a lil bit.itchy and have a smell..hope you.can help me doc..what is the best antibiotics doi need to being

U had yeast infections like candidiasis moniliasis or trichomonosis etc even u have mixed infections. May occurs due to unhygienic conditions. These r some chronic infections which recurres after regular treatment. U Need ayurvedic treatment along with ur treatment for better results. As we have best imuunomdulators which works best along treatment and no side effects. We have very good medicines for ur problem. For more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five fou ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy

  • Dentist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  105 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Santhosh Kumar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  228 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points

Dr. nishit gupta

  • Pathologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Md Shamim Reza

  • Internal Medicine
  •  , Bangladesh
  •  208 Doc Points

Dr. Mugdha Motani

  • Dentist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  107 Doc Points