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Relationship issue

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I have an irregular heart beat that on occasion has been making my chest feel like someone is poking it. The poking pain feeling only occurs in a single location (right side of my sternum next to my nipple) and goes away in a few seconds. Went to the ER but the blood tests found nothing. This has been going on since 8pm Tuesday. I had issues sleeping until my wife came in, and when she laid down next to me I fell asleep. I have no issue staying asleep. Also, I have little to no appetite and I also have to burp a lot.

Hi, For the symptoms you are presenting, we need to rule out the presence of angina in such a situation since you have told me that your blood tests revealed nothing. I also hope that you must have got an ECG done(which can only rule out presence of any heart disease). Excessive burping and such symptoms can also be due to gerd(gastro esophageal reflux disease). First of all you will have to rule out any associated heart disease,since you are in high risk group(diabetic,mildly hypertensive). ...

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I have just noticed that my 10year old son's uvala is crooked. It goes to one side... In your opinion do you think that this is an issue?

Hi, I don't know about your swelling as to how severe it is, but if you think it is very severe on one side than on the other side,or you can see any kind of discharge,or sore throat has been worsening then yes it is an issue and you should show it to an ENT specialist as soon as possible because it might be a peritonsillar abscess(which at times also can occlude an airway). So it can become a medical emergency, because of the threat of involving airway. Otherwise it can have more causes ...

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hi my mother in law is 48 years old she is suffering from stone size of 9.5mm gallbladder stone,here ultra sound scan reports says hypoplastic kidney,please tell me is a dangerous situation,tell me within in how many days.We should address this issue????

Hi, 9.5 mm gall stone it's a pretty big gall stone. The indications for removing stone are - any stone size which are causing distressing symptoms to patient or any single stone which is more than 1cm or 10 mm. and your mother in laws' gall stone is nearing the same size. You did not tell whether she is having any symptoms or not. If yes then she should be operated at first hand whenever you have time else you can wait for a few days also. Gall stones are usually not an emergency as the pai ...

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I had a skin extension in my underarm, which has grown up too big and causing incovenience now, I was thinking its because of weight variations, but, now even though no issue with my body size oncrease, this extension , I am feeling is causing problem

Hi, Usually the skin tags are not huge enough to cause distressing symptoms. It could be gland swelling but it needs to be examined which gland it is and treated accordingly as there might be some glands which can be removed without causing much discomfort to you however in others only some part can be removed. It could also be a lymphatic obstruction, which can be definitely be told only after examination and then telling you about investigation accordingly. Skin tags can be cauterized or cu ...

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Can you suggest doctor to check the issue fainting and to avoid burning/pain in head

Hi, You can directly show it to a neurologist if you want(if you want to show particularly for for problems in head), you can also show it to an internal medicine specialist he to can get all your initial investigation done and even solve it if it is a minor problem. you can get ct-head as a primary investigation. I hope she does not have any head injury. I will advice you to show it to an internal medicine specialist as he will do an over all examination of you body. ...

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Can i do operation of cataract with plenty of pus cell in my urine? Is there any relationship of cataract operation with pus cells in urine?

No you can't get cataract surgery with urine infection . As infection can spread by touch or blood stream after surgery . Pus cells in urine is an absolute contraindication for cataract surgery. First get the treatment for urine infection ...

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For a few months now, I am having difficulty during intercourse. Reason being which, the foreskin of my penis is not peeling back during unprotected sex. The tip of the fore skin is getting cut. A few months back, I remember my wife having the same issue in her privates which disappeared by itself. I have tried the "Candid" cream & used coconut oil. Still same issue. Can u help by prescribing some medication to get rid of this??

Hi, You can use betamethasone cream (topical steroid) local application cream over your skin surface and towards inner surface of penis of narrow part of foreskin for 4-6 weeks,then secondly stretching of the foreskin can be accomplished manually, with balloons or with other tools.A permanent increase in size occurs by gentle stretching over a period of time. If these steps don't work then usually cirumcision(surgical treatment is the treatment of choice). But first use the medical line of trea ...

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hello doctor, i am 20 years old..i am in living relationship with day when i came back to my home in holidays, i try to masturbate, but my penis was not getting erect, then i went to one ayurvedic doctor, he gave me medicine of increasing will power, then after eating for a week, i started getting erection but only when i stimulated my penis with 5 months has passed, i got erection when i am with my gf, but still when i am alone, its difficult for me to get an erection, like i used to have before 2 years.and i got only when i am laying on bed, not when em standing or sit.also one more thing, if i dont get stimulations continuously, my erection starts decreasing within 5 to 10 seconds, and about morning erections, i got them daily, when em sleepy. nd when i wake up, it goes more thing which i want to tell the starting of my relationship..i used to eat ayurvedic medicine for last penis used to erect for long time after eating that..i think it may be side effect of those caplsules.but it was ayurvedic..plz give me a correct diagnosis..

U r suferring from erectil dysfunction and premature ejaculation problem. If you had taken allopathy sex stimulating medicine then yes side effects but not by ayurvedic medicine. Over Mastrubation stress life physical weakness etc leads such problems. U Need proper medication health supplements counselling and sex education also. I have very good ayurvedic treatment for u r problem. No side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Andrew Kharakpal

  • Orthopedist
  •  Chandigarh, India
  •  115 Doc Points

Dr. Manushree Gupta

  • Psychiatrist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  512 Doc Points

Dr. Vrinda Goyal

  • Nutritionist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Basant Singh

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  240 Doc Points

Dr. Krupesh Rajani

  • Dentist
  •  Navsari, India
  •  163 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. GowriMeena S

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  875 Doc Points

Dr. rajkumar gunaseelaraj

  • Dentist
  •  Salem, India
  •  113 Doc Points

Dr. pradeep kumar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  127 Doc Points