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PAST HISTORY : hypo plastic kidney with 9.5 mm stone in gallbladder
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
pls answer the qurey it's kind of 9.5 mm gallstone is dangerous or not,please suggest me...
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
9.5 mm gall stone it's a pretty big gall stone. The indications for removing stone are - any stone size which are causing distressing symptoms to patient or any single stone which is more than 1cm or 10 mm. and your mother in laws' gall stone is nearing the same size.
You did not tell whether she is having any symptoms or not. If yes then she should be operated at first hand whenever you have time else you can wait for a few days also. Gall stones are usually not an emergency as the pain can be relived by pain killers,but at times stones are impacted which cause a lot of trouble to the patient and they have to be operated on a little urgent basis.
Hypoplastic kidney is not a related finding and is totally different and for that we will have to get her kft(kidney function tests) after which only we will be able to comment over it.
Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal