Topics Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair
  Topics Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair

Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair

Find latest answers to Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair questions, Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair articles, Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair news and clinic/doctors who deal with Laproscopic Rectal prolapse repair.

I need expert opinion regarding "hymen repair with ayurvedic medicine" ...

For more information call or what's app me on this number ::nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. Thank u. ...

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i have a cracked tooth, can i repair that cracked tooth?

depends on how the tooth is cracked. is it a simple break. is it a small fracture that can be fixed? is it a bog fracture that needs and RCT? is it a horizontal or vertical fracture. all these things need to be evaluated before an appropriate diagnosis is reached. ...

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I have rectal pain and it is during driving. Observed reddish in that inner area

Hi, If you are facing this problem since a month then it is for sure that it is not a simple infection and it is better that you consult a doctor. Till that time you can have a pain killer along with a combination of a anti-inflamatory(diclofenac+seratiopeptidase) ...

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I have been diagnosed with IBS a little over 10 years ago by a gasterenterologist. They did the colonoscopy and determined that it was IBS (diarrhea only for me), but I have not been back since due to financial hardship. I have been experiencing some pain, bloating, gas, unusual bowel movements for me - constipation, and unusual looking feces. It has at times looked to be long and thin which is quite abnormal. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years but for the last 8 months have been vegan. These symptoms have not come on until about 2 months ago, however. If anything, I am eating a lot more fruits, vegetables and fiber, which should make me more regular and NOT constipated (I do not eat any dairy or eggs - nothing from animals at all). I used to have to take 3-4 Immodim a day before going to work just to function at my job, but recently, I have not been taking any of it and still have trouble going to the bathroom. I am concerned that this may be something serious. I have read everything I can about these symptoms and have seen that it could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. I am not an alarmist, but am interested to know if I should be seeking medical attention immediately. Thoughts? Thank you. Rebecca

dear rebecca, pleased to know how keen you are with your health (many people are sooooo careless). As for your IBS, it is a wise idea to undergo a colonoscopy once every year. Cancer or colon or rectum is very rare and there are early signs of it like a polyp which can be easily diagnosed and removed by colonoscopy. so if you really need to be cautious, you have to underdo a colonoscopy once every year. Take care. www. pilesfreedom. com ...

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I am post menopausal (for 4 years). 2 weeks ago, after ONLY urinating, and only wiping the front, there has been a ~2-inch gob of brown goo on the toilet paper. My doctor sent me to the ER in the event is was stool - I had a rectocele repair 2 years ago. It was not stool. ER referred me to an OB-GYN who examined me and did a biopsy and said everything looked normal. Then it happened again last night. It smells bad, so I had presumed it was stool, but obviously it is not. I am also having cramps (for the past 3-4 months) which I've mentioned to my primary care doctor. Is this anything to be concerned about or just normal post-menopause junk coming out? Thank you.

hi, considering you had undergone a rectocele repair 2 years ago, there are high chances that this discharge me be stool unless proved otherwise. This may come due to a condition called Recto-vaginal fistula. You need to send the discharge coming out from the vagina for 'Culture and Antibiotic Sensitivity' testing. If the culture (where they grow the bacteria in the sample) shows E.Coli as one of the organisms / bacteria, then you have to undergo a series of tests for diagnosis of recto-vaginal ...

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Hi im feeling palpating in the back of my head or somewhere on my occipital area since when i experience having the mitral valve prolapse syndrome, are they related and should i be concerned? Thankz pls email me

No, they aren't related, mitral valve prolapse doesn't cause palpations in your head. If it is severe it causes heart problems, but if it is not severe, you may not even feel it. Your condition can be psychological, but you can visit neurologist for full neurologic examination. ...

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I need to know the cost of rectal prolapse surgery.

dear kemu, The real cost depend upon your condition . Cost also varies with general or private ward. Still it is not so high that you have to think twice. ...

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Hi sir my acl & mcl is tear.How can u repair these ayurvedic tretment.please teel me sir

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevents anterior translation of the tibia on the femur and contributes to resistance to internal and external rotation while the knee is extended. It is a secondary stabilizer to valgus stress in full extension. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) resists valgus stress at 30 degrees of knee flexion. It also contributes to limiting anterior and posterior translation, as well as rotation, of the tibia. Thus, when both ligaments are disrupted, the knee can bec ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Darshan Parikh

  • Dentist
  •  Pune, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Agrawal

  • Surgeon
  •  Agra, India
  •  206 Doc Points

Dr. lakshmipathy p

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  139 Doc Points

Dr. Dinesh Kumar

  • Dentist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  118 Doc Points

Dr. Deepika Mishra

  • Dentist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  117 Doc Points

Dr. Vijaykumar Kamat

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  114 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points