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Due date

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu

Hi! The only blood test that can show whether you are pregnant or the previous abortion was an incomplete one is a serum beta hcg -this checks the hormone for pregnancy in the blood.If less than 5 ,then pregnancy is negative. A normal gynae check up can reveal past pregnancy only if earlier pregnancy led to an incomplete abortion which can be made out by an ultrasonogram of the pelvis or the serum beta hcg.Otherwise no doctor can make out whether you were pregnant in the past and have taken abor ...

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my last period date was 10th April. This month period not happend till date.But, white discharge was there yesterday.I felt pain from last 2 days...what could be the reason??please can you help

Hi, White discharge should be due to infection may be a yeast or fungal infection,but you don't have to worry it till the time it continues for 2 weeks or may be it is accompanied by rashes or itching in your perineal area or smell in urine. First you will have to do urine pregnancy test. Are you having any fever,or may be rashes,are you diabetic,or is the discharge very smelly,or problems in urine like burning or smell ? If yes then you will have to consult a doctor. ...

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Hi. I already asked a question before. I got reply for that and got expired. So i mentioned below my before question and reply:- Hi. i feel my nerves are weak. i'm 25 yrs old. My hands shake when i do some activities like when i take a tea cup my hands shake. When i'm drinking it slowly my hands shake. I feel very shy and afraid infront of everyone. I cant hold the pen and write normally as others do. I hold my pen very tight with my fingers and write. Then when i go in a bike, when i go in some speed i'm ok. When i go in a dead slow my hands shake. I feel more nervous when i stand in front of everyone. I also feel mild nerves pains in my legs and hands all the time. I'm about to marry in a year or two. I dont know why i get this. Is this occur due to i masturbate often? Is it curable? Can i get my nerves strong and hands without shaking? I'm not able to tell this to my parents. I'm very much afraid of this sir. Pls help me.. Reply for this:- Hi, First of all would like to clarify that it is not due to masturbation , it depends upon the cause whether it is curable or not. Do you feel any kind of numbness or any kind paresthesia in your hands or legs. Since how long are you having this problem and also describe in detail whether you are facing any other symptom or not and whether it was all of a sudden or the symptoms you are facing devloped gradually. Any problem in urine or dafecation ? Any history of trauma and is this pain bilateral or unilateral ? Any history of hypertension and diabetes ? You can get serum electrolyte level and vitamin d3 levels chceked in blood right now and also give me the awnser to above queries i asked you and then will let you know whether any other investigation is required or not. Would recomend you to have plenty of water and high protein diet and also one tablet of neurokind plus daily. My reply:- Yes i feel kind of parasthesia in my hands and legs. Actually i want to share a thing. I had laser surgery for my eyes before 2 years. That time doctor said my nerves are somewhat weak. May be its a family gene problem which could've occured for any others in your family. Anyway its not a problem for this surgery and they done it. I too okay with my eyes. As doctor said generally i feel nervous often. But last 6 months i feel kind of tickling or tingling in my hands and legs. I feel some like burning in my leg limbs. Others say all this occurs due to over masturbation. Help me..

Hi, Yes that much is ok no problems. ...

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Hey doctor i have an problem of skin disease called dadar in Hindi from. Past 1and half weeks between my legs .there used to be some scratching Promblems in starting but now its controlled due treatment.still i got problem of skin marks due,to dadar i think its increasing day by day giving little. pain when i used to walk and touch. The skin.give me proper advice?

Thank you for the information. Well that sounds like a fungal infection called Tinea. This will respond to an antifungal cream such as 1% Clotrimazole used twice a day for 14 days along with an oral tablet such as Terbinafine. Your doctor would need to prescribe these for you. Till you can see him/her you can try using Abzorb powder twice a day to see if that helps. ...

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if the combiflam manufacturing date is april 2012 what is the expiry date?

24 months from the manufacturing date. dont use any drug without mfg date and exp date ...

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Hi I'm 26yrs old. Unmarried. I feel some nerve burning or itching sensation in hands, fingers and legs below knees and toes. I feel pain too. This has been for long days. I feel more in left hand and left leg more than right. My hands shake when I hold a tea cup or something. My legs too shake when I ride a bike. So I cant drink a tea infront of others. I get tired soon when I work. Does this nerve problem comes due to cancer or HIV? I'm very much afraid. can I get my nerves and hand shaking well? I'm very afraid to get marry due to this. I feel I cant have good sexual intercourse with my partner and healthy baby after marriage. Pls guide me to get me well.

Hi, If you are having had shakiness only in front of other people then it is simply due to under confidence or anxiety or fear of a big crowd for this you should consult some psychaitrist or pschologist and not neurologist. For shakiness of leg , it could be the same reason under confidence or anxiety or may be any kind of addiction so you will have to give up all addiction if any , like smoking , alcohol or drugs. Sex should not be a problem if you are having erection , but if you are having ...

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Hi. I had some burning sensation or nerve pain and shakiness in my hands and legs for about six months. Feeling difficulty while walking. Feeling imbalance between both legs (particularly left leg)while walking. Feeling burn sense or pain in nerves of hands and legs during penis erection. So i consulted a neurologist in Apollo Hospitals. I told everything to doctor. They done regular blood test. Then some test like keeping wires on my fingers and giving electric shock. Then they finally took my blood sample in fasting for Vitamin B12 test. After seeing the test reports doctor told me all reports are ok but Vitamin B12 is low and so you have all these symptoms. The report said 223 in my blood for vitamin B12. So he prescribed me some tablets(i.e. 1.Gabapentin, 2.Methico OD) and ReNerve Plus injection to have weekly twice. Doctor instructed to follow these medicines for 3 months. Now you please tell me 1) all these symptoms i feel are due to Vit.B12 deficiency? 2) I didnt tell doctor one point that i feel burning sense or pain in nerves of my hands and legs during penis erection. Coz this not only occurs during my penis erection, it occurs during non-erection time also. 3) Please tell me is it any other problem for these symptoms i feel during penis erection? Or is it due to Vit.B12 deficiency only?

Hi, Vitamin b 12 deficiency usually occurs in pure vegetarian people but can occur otherwise also. You are a little over anxious , and nothing necessary that if you have Vit b 12 deficiency then you will have problems in sex life or any. You can get semen analysis done , before getting semen analysis done don't masturbate for 4 days at least. Semen does not contain vit b12. Do you feel any burning in urine or any discharge ? Please provide all your reports along with urine routine and microsc ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Govindaraj S J

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  132 Doc Points

Dr. abdul samad

  • Dermatologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  216 Doc Points

Dr. Gireesh Kumar B.A.M.S

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. shyamala R.KOPP

  • General Physician
  •  Gokak, India
  •  175 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points
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